
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Twilight Quilt: Alice's Porsche

How strongly are you opposed to grand theft auto? –Alice Cullen, New Moon, page 439

Vampires love fast cars. From the Cullen Cars page on Stephenie Meyer's website, here is the car she envisioned Alice stealing at the airport in Italy.

And here is the Porsche that is going in my quilt.

Pattern design by Cat, this racy roadster's ready for action. I used Fog Fairy Frost for the windows on the car and the same rock fabric (thanks Iris!) for the road that I'll be using in the Clock Tower at Volterra block, which sits next to this one. I found some fun buttons that I layered to look like tires and rims. I thought the swirls in the silver buttons looked very similar to the rims on the car. And I love the silver rings around the headlight buttons, again because it looks like the actual car. I did a hand satin stitch for the emblem on the hood. I'm going to ask the quilter to put in lines of stitching to outline the doors and the small back window to complete the car.

Button information:
Headlights: La Mode Hook 1670, Style 46785
Front Tire: La Mode Hook 33, Style 2054
Front Rim: La Mode Hook 356, Style 24787
Back Tire: La Mode Hook 32, Style 2053
Back Rim: La Mode Hook 355, Style 24786

Floss for Emblem embroidery:
Red: DMC 349
Black: DMC 310
Gold: DMC 437

And here is the layout, with another block filled in. Click on the image for a closer look.

Up next, Bella's Truck.

1 comment:

  1. I'm here via Barb's Bejeweled Quilts.

    I love this Porsche. Great wheels and headlights !



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