
Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Twilight Quilt: Twilight Book Cover

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. –Genesis 2:17

It's twilight . . . the safest time of day for us . . . the easiest time. But also the saddest in a way . . . the end of another day, the return of the night. –Edward Cullen, Twilight, page 233

As much as I wanted to keep my Twilight quilt traditional quilting, it was hard to resist some amazing paper piecing patterns by Australian designer Cat Magraith. A member of our group on TwilightMOMS pointed us SewHooked, a free paper piecing website where her patterns were hosted. I resisted, looking for ways to represent the books without using paper piecing, but in the end, I gave in and decided to include the Forbidden Fruit block, Cat's tribute to the iconic cover of the Twilight book.

After finishing the most detailed paper piecing pattern I'd ever done, I posted to my friends at TwilightMOMS, I did it! It only took forever, but I finished my Forbidden Fruit block!

All of Cat's patterns are done at 5", which much be confusing since they use metrics in Australia, so I enlarged it to 120% to make a 6" block. The black background fabric is a Civil War reproduction fabric and I'm using it throughout where a black background is called for, as well as for the outside border and quilt back and binding. The white and cream fabrics have an iridescent sparkle to them, which is difficult to photograph or scan. The reds in the apple are from a fabric swap, with one of my dear Twilight Quilters Coven friends and fellow TwilightMOM, Iris. The stem is hand satin stitch embroidery.

Inasmuch as I had started two quilts, I decided that I wanted to continue with two quilts. My design had changed, I'd discarded some blocks and we decided to make a group quilt to give to Stephenie Meyer, but I had enough fabric on my hands for two quilts and I decided that's what I wanted to do. Even after spending hours and hours on duplicates of on 6" quilt block, I decided that I wanted to make two quilts. Eight months later, I'm still not certain what I'm going to do with the second quilt, but as I work my blocks, I always make them in twins.

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