
Monday, February 22, 2010

Aprons № 90, 91 & 92: Bunches of Cherries & A Rose Garden

In the last couple of weeks I finished three more aprons, bringing my count up to 92 aprons since July of 2008. That's a lot of yardage and rick-rack. I think that if I'd have been keeping track of finishes on a blog, I'd have pictures of all of those aprons. You can see pictures of some of them here. Some of them I didn't photograph because I was in a hurry to get them in the mail and others, because I wasn't in the mood to stage it. And since I almost always make my aprons in sets of twins, I usually only took a picture of one of the two, even if the rick-rack was different on one of them. But since I am keeping track of finishes this year (and these aprons bring me up to four finishes for February -- hooray!), I have individual pictures of each one.

Aprons № 90 and 91 are twins. Friend and fellow TwilighMOM, Wanda, was cleaning out her stash and sent me a few cast-offs. One of the pieces she sent was actually quite large, about two yards of yellow fabric with adorable cherries on it. I asked her about the yardage, saying, "did you mean to send me this piece?" She told me that she had more of that fabric than she could use and said I should make an apron out of it. So that's exactly what I did. I pulled one of the left-over red fabric pieces from LadyBug's High School Musical quilt for the ruffle and pocket and made two aprons, one for Wanda (pictured on the left) and one for LadyBug (on the right). I love how bright and cherry -- I mean cheery -- they turned out. (Click on any of the photos for a close-up).

Apron № 92 is made from some fabric Mr. Bug's mom gave me. She must have bought it to make a table cloth because it is a border print and the fabric is at least 54" wide. I thought the pretty flowers would make a lovely apron and I had this piece of pink left from another apron to use for the ruffles and pockets.

I have enough of the blue fabric for at least four more aprons, so I'll definitely be making one for Mr. Bug's mom. I only have enough for one more pink ruffle, so I'm going to have to find something else fabulous to go with the others. And I only have maybe enough of this blue rick-rack for one more apron as well. This wide, cotton rick-rack is getting harder and harder to find. I've had to use narrower polyester rick-rack for some of the more recent aprons, which is sad. I much prefer the cotton rick-rack.

I must say that this is one project I am glad to see winding down. I have loved every apron I've made. They are fun to put together. I have fabric and destinations for eight more aprons, a request and ideas for another one, and thoughts of possibly two more after that. That makes a grand total of 103 planned aprons. Mr. Monk would not approve of that number.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth they are just so gorgeous I really like the second looks very 50's


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