
Friday, March 12, 2010

Pinwheel Sampler Quilt Along: block three

Rachel posted the instructions for block three last Saturday, but it was a busy day for us (more details on that soon). I started, and finished my blocks early this week, but one of them looked too much like one of my combinations for block one. So, I decided that I was going to unpick it and switch the colors. I did, and I like it much better.

Here's my first block. LadyBug helped me decide on the colors. I love how it turned out. It kind of reminds me of neapolitan ice cream. Neapolitan isn't one of my favorites -- the chocolate and strawberry clash too much. But in the case of my quilt, it is a good thing.

And this is the second block, the one I had to unpick. As I was carefully pulling out each stitch, I remembered a tutorial for unpicking over at Park City Girl. I tried it, and lo and behold, it worked! And it took half the time! I wonder why no on ever taught me this before?

You can find the instructions for this block here: p.s. i quilt: pinwheel sampler quilt along: block three. Five more designs (10 blocks total) to go!


  1. great blocks! and yes, the first one reminds me of neapolitan ice cream too.

    i have got to get started on these lol

  2. It does look like Neopolitan ice cream. Now I'm hungry for that!

    I'm really impressed with your perfectly matched corners. Look at the middle of that block. It couldn't be any more perfect!

  3. Sue, I'm blushing! Thank you so much!

  4. I love these! And thanks for the link to the tutorial. Not that I need to learn how to do that or anything *cough*allthetime*cough*.

    Thanks for linking up to Finished for Friday!

  5. Love the pink & brown , I have been saving them for a quilt............


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