
Friday, March 5, 2010


it was just snow soft and white / it was just snow falling so light / it was just snow / soft and white / falling so light, / falling last night

Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband

Can you see my little garden? I can't either. Just four short days ago, I was out there soaking up the sunshine, even getting a little bit of a sunburn (I hope my dermatologist isn't reading this -- I'd be in big trouble for not wearing sunblock!). And now I can't even see the tippy tops of the flowers that had started to bloom. Silly spring bulbs!


  1. We still have piles of snow everywhere. The parking lot at Target had piles that were at least 8 feet high!

  2. Sad...snow...pour little bulbs. Hopefully their hardy and you'll still have the most beautiful garden in the city.

  3. What a pretty, white scene. However, I must take a moment to say, "Thank you, Oregon, for welcoming me in with your warm, green, rainy lack of snow." Happy winter!


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