
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Giveaway Goodies

It is done! I've already used my I'm Just a Guy Who Quilts giveaway gift certificate to the Fat Quarter Shop. (Thanks, Ryan, for a fabulous prize!) And I'm pretty happy about it. Wanna see what I got? Because I'm dying to share with you! I'm all set now for fabric for my Cathedral Windows quilt following Heather's pillow design (the one with Kona Cotton in Coal). I decided to go with the Raspberry/Stone/Lime colorway and got half-yard cuts of each of the Flora & Fauna Fabrics.

This will be my main fabric and make up about a quarter of the blocks in the quilt:

More fabrics in Raspberry and Stone:

And fabrics in Lime and Stone:

This is a little out of my comfort zone. I'm more of a traditional quilter, using calicos in almost everything. But, I follow several blogs of modern quilters, including Ryan's, and their work really inspires me. (Note: I was a follower of Ryan's blog before the giveaway.) I like to stretch myself creatively. I have another project in the works which mixes the very traditional with modern. I hope it works out because it is meant to be a gift. I'll update you on that when I get to it. First, I've got quite a few projects to get through to get there, including my own giveaway. I haven't forgotten about that, and winning at IHAN's 30-Days of Giveaways and on Ryan's blog has really lit a fire under me to get mine in the works. I'm hoping that I can get 'er done before I hit post 137. That's only 23 posts from now. Yikes! I'd better get busy.

But I digress. I haven't finished telling you about everything I got with Ryan's fabulous gift. I got three half-yard cuts of Fairy Frost (a fabric line I'm somewhat obsessed with; 50 colors and counting in my stash), and a half-yard cut of Frosted Dots from Lakehouse Dry Goods. I'm so excited for my squishy to get here. If all goes well, the FQS will ship tomorrow and I'll have it by Saturday! This is too much fun! Thank you again, Ryan!


  1. Half of the fun of buying fabric online is waiting for the parcel and dreaming about what you're going to do with it. What a haul you have to look forward to!

    Yay I managed to get through a whole comment without using one of these ;

    Ok, I confess I put one in there by mistake but I proofed before I finalised so it's all good.

  2. congrats on the win. those are some beautiful fabrics you have coming :)


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