
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mr. Bug

This is Mr. Bug. He's kind of a silver fox, huh? Don't you want to run your fingers through all that dishy, curly hair? Too bad. Because he's mine and I'm not sharing. And you can't anyway, because yesterday Mr. Bug cut off those dreamy locks. I miss them already. You see, Mr. Bug's employer is downsizing and Mr. Bug's job was cut last week. He's on the hunt (as foxes will do) for a new job now, so he wanted to look sharp for interviews.

Mr. Bug was in the Navy for six years before we met. Since I've known him, he's always worn his hair very short. So short that the curl was hardly there. Once, he even shaved his hair completely off for a few months. I thought that look required an XXX tattoo on the back of his neck to complete it. About six months ago, he decided to grow his hair out. I was totally on board with that plan because just when the curl would start to show from his last haircut, he'd announce it was time for a new haircut. It was fun to watch the curls increase and I liked the bit of sexy bad-boy that was his 'long' hair. Today's post is in tribute to Mr. Bug's rebel hair days. My you live long in our memories and my we have a chance to see those delicious curls again someday.

What do you think of the new 'do? He kept a bit of the curl on top, which I think looks really nice. I hope that his new employer has a relaxed dress policy and he can grow it out again soon. I'm not sure if Mr. Bug could stand it, though. He told me that he only let it grow so long because he knew I liked it. Thank you, my sweet Mr. Bug. I like your new haircut too. If you don't mind, I think I'd like to keep you.


  1. What a handsome husband you have Elizabeth and such a nice smile.

    Good Luck with the job hunt. Mr. P had to do that two and ahlaf years ago , and it can be a very anxious time.

    I like Mr. Bugs hair both ways. But he seems smilier with it long...

  2. I'm sorry to hear about the job. Very sorry. I hope the hunt doesn't last too long.

    How fun for you to get to enjoy the long curls for awhile, and how nice that he did it just for you : ). I do like his new do, especially with the little extra in front.

    Have a great day!

  3. Good luck on the job hunt. I hope something great comes through for him soon.

    Rich like the new do better. I just like Dave how is, curly hair or not.

  4. I like the new do...of course my hubby has never had enough hair (on his head) to run my fingers through.

    I can see why you always say nice things about him...he has kind eyes. ;)

  5. Elizabeth, I am with you. I really liked his longer curly hair. It matches his personality better- in my opinion. But, I am glad he didn't cut all the curl off. His new hair cut looks very nice. You can tell him I said that. Good luck to you and Dave with the job hunt. He is a talented and likable guy, I am sure he will be able to land something quickly.

  6. Well he does look very sharp...good luck with the job hunting..

  7. The curls were nice. But I guess when you're out looking for a job you have to be presentable and the bad boy image just won't do....I could totally picture him with a leather jacket with the old do though! ;)


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