
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Aprons № 96, 97 & 98: Apples & Pears Remixed

I'd rather be stitchin' than in the kitchen.

But if I have to be in the kitchen, then I really love to wear a fun apron -- that I stitched. And I love to share fun aprons too. I've finished three more aprons and am creeping ever closer to 100 aprons since I started making them in July of 2008.

This set of aprons is for Iris, my fun Twilight Quilters Coven friend and her two girls. Her birthday was at the beginning of the month, only I had in my head that it was closer to the middle, so I was totally late getting them to her. I bought the apples and pears fabric at JoAnn's last fall and some pink for the ruffle and pocket. But as I was cutting the aprons, I remembered that Iris isn't really a pink kind of girl. Her favorite color is green. So, I found a really great green to bring out the apples in the fabrics and love the result.

Iris got the aprons in the mail yesterday and already snapped a photo with her girls. Aren't they beautiful (the girls, I mean, not the aprons)? She said (about the aprons), Couldn't have been prettier if I'd gone and shopped for the fabric myself! They are so perfect! And they fit great!

This apples and pears fabric is so awesome. I put a pink ruffle with it in an apron for another friend. I can't decide which combination I like best because I love pink, but the green is so beautiful too. And I'm still having visions of ironing board covers made from the apples and pears fabric -- but I'm resisting because I have about a hundred other projects I'm in the middle of.

I've linked up over at Sew & Tell Fridays and Lit & Laundry's Finished for Friday. It is a fun way to share your finishes and see lots of other neat projects. Check it out!


  1. love them. this is the cutest fabric

  2. I'm a pick gal too, but the green is awesome!!

  3. You know I'm a pink person too, but I prefer the green here. Love them!

  4. Your friend and her daughters look so cute all bundled up in those wonderful aprons! Lovely.

  5. Love those aprons! Cute girls and cute fabric!
    You mentioned ironing board covers...I have a vintage ironing board and want to make one too. No time either.

  6. thanks again Elizabeth. we are about to take them on their maiden baking session in a few minutes....chocolate chip cookies!!! =D and I'll be using my new kitchenaid, so it will be a triple treat to bake today!

  7. I think you should order a blog book and call it 100 Aprons.

    100 Aprons is quite an achievement. And these are sweet! How cute that they all match.

  8. Those are so cute! I love the ric-rac trim!

  9. I'm loving the green with the pear fabric. They are so adorable, and the rickrack is the icing on the cake!

  10. Pretty, pretty aprons! I love the green!!

  11. I just love the ric rac, and that is one of my very favorite prints. Love!

  12. I love this pear print! Wow! One hundred?! Great job. I so need to make an ironing board cover too, but other projects call.

  13. That is a great print, isn't it? I've used it for a lot of little girl dresses, but haven't tried it for aprons yet. Yours are so cute!!

  14. these are more than cute!!! i love that fabric and they all look so great together.

  15. Ok, I will admit I have a thing for Pink, BUT, I have to say that I think I like the green accents better! It's a less common pairing, which make it fresh and appealing :)

    I'm hoping to get the retro aprons book this weekend and would love to get your feedback on the ric rac yardage and construction goof.

  16. What a cute picture of the three of them together! The green is perfect and to me, it's the rick-rack that really makes these so cute. Love how the littlest daughter is using the pocket.

    Thanks so much for linking up to Finished for Friday!

  17. These are the cutest aprons I ever seen. Great fabrics you have selected.

  18. Love your aprons and your fabric is adorable!


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