
Friday, May 14, 2010

Blogger's Quilt Festival

Amy over at Amy's Creative Side is hosting the Blogger's Quilt Festival beginning May 21st and running through May 28th. What is the Blogger's Quilt Festival, you ask? Well, during the week of the Festival, you post about a quilt you've made and then you link your post to the Quilt Festival post and people can come and visit your quilt and you can go and visit other quilts in the festival. This is a really neat way to show off your work and collect ideas and inspiration for upcoming projects. And I really love the word Festival. It is just sounds like so much fun.

I've already picked out which quilt I'm going to show and I can't wait to see what neat quilts other bloggers will feature. So, friends, put your thinking caps on and choose a quilt you're really proud of and get ready to participate in the Festival. You'll find links to past Quilt Festivals and all the details for this Festival here. And if you're into buttons to decorate your blog, you can get Amy's cool Bloggers Quilt Festival button there as well. Get ready for a really fun celebration of quilting!


  1. I think I'll lurk and look at other people's creations. I cant wait to see which quilt you choose to show off.

  2. Thanks for posting about this, Elizabeth. The festival looks like fun.


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