
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Blues (and the Greens)

And I guess that's why / They call it the blues / Time on my hands / Could be time spent with quilting you
-Elton John, Guess That's Why They Call it the Blues

Mrs. P has requested that nothing interesting go on in blogland this week so that she can get some sewing done. In an effort to comply, I'll keep this as boring as possible. I just wanted to give you a peek at what I'm working on. This has to be finished SOON, as it is a gift for a friend whose birthday is tomorrow. I'm a bit behind schedule due to the fact that I calculate with the assumption that one of my abilities is super-human speed. But I think it is still possible to get this to her before her birthday is over -- provided she doesn't go to bed before midnight tomorrow night.

I built this project around the floral print fabric. My TwilightMOMS friend, Wanda, sent it to me as a cast-off from her stash. I thought it was gorgeous and considered making an apron out of it. But I found a better use for it. You see, it went really well with this fabric I'd seen at my favorite shop, Corn Wagon Quilt Co. I'd been in to look at this fabric several times. I loved the sweet vine print in such a soft shade of green, and when I petted it the fabric felt so nice. Every time I went in to the shop, I had to make sure it was still there even though I didn't have a project for it. I'm sure that fabric only had eyes for me too and was willing to wait, because there was plenty there when I finally had the perfect project for it. After I put the floral and the vine fabrics together, all the pieces fell into place. I was able to pick up the last fat quarter in the shop of the teeny tiny vine swirl in china blue and a half-yard cut of the pindot navy fabric, which both really coordinated well with the bluish flowers in the fabric Wanda sent me. It was the perfect combination of fabrics in blues and greens for the right project for a very special friend.

That's where my story ends for today. I'm going to leave you on a cliffhanger, which makes me a total and utter failure at keeping things boring for Mrs. P. Nevertheless, I hope she's able to get some sewing done anyway instead of checking back every few minutes to see if I've finished my story of blues and greens.


  1. Love the color scheme and fabrics. I'll be waiting for the grand finale. ;-)

  2. I think it is funny how we can have fabric that we just don't 'feel' anymore but someone else will make something great with it. ;)

  3. I agree with Angie's comment. Somehow you have made that fabric new. You are so talented and ALWAYS INSPIRING! I can't wait to see the finished deal. I'm staying up till midnight! :)


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