
Monday, May 24, 2010

The Blues and Wedding Rings

I've got the blues again. This time it's the Metro Blues by Michele D'Amore for Marcus Brothers (I love to mess with you in my post titles). Isn't this fabric fabulous -- even though it is mis-named? The fabric line should be called Metro Teals & Browns or maybe something a little more creative like Metro Mud & Peacocks because the colors aren't really blue. Nevertheless, they are fabulous and I have a cut of each of the six prints pictured here (the two solids aren't from the line but I included them because they are relevant to this post).

And I'm working on something really fun. You see, a woman in the ward (that is LDS-speak for parish) called me wondering what kind of interesting project I could come up with for the leftover ivory Duponi Silk and brown crepe-back satin from a reception dress (the bride is wearing a simple white dress for the ceremony) and sash she is making for a girl in the ward who is getting married at the end of June. She told me that the wedding colors are turquoise and brown and wondered if I could make something that this bride could hang on her wall as a reminder of her wedding.

So, I started thinking. The colors are very modern (I think that is a quilter's term for 'so ugly it is cute') but the ivory silk is very old-fashioned. It took me a couple of days to come up with a plan, but eventually I got an idea. I thought that I would try combining the very old-fashioned silk and the absolutely fantastically fabulously modern Metro Blues fabrics within the frame-work of a wedding ring quilt to create a little memento for this new bride.

Wanna know the best part? I got a new toy out of it (hooray for 50% off coupons). I've always wanted to try a wedding ring quilt, but just didn't know where to start. I looked for patterns on-line, but couldn't find anything that was free and fabulous (I think I use the word fabulous too much. Note to self: use on-line thesaurus more frequently). I saw this set of templates with instructions in the store and decided to go for it because I had a 50% off coupon (and we all know how much I love to get a great deal!). So far, so good. The templates were fabulous to use and there are lots of pictures in the booklet so where the instructions are hard to follow, the pictures fill in.

Hopefully you are all on the edge of your seats and waiting for more. That'll give you a reason to come back and read through all the uninteresting stuff I post about until I get this fabulous (dang! That's seven fabulouses in one post . . . got to remember that thesaurus) project finished, photographed and blogged. Until then, may your bobbins always be full.

(I thought about saying, 'have a fabulous day,' but decided that was overkill.)


  1. That looks like it will be a wonderful gift! (I almost wrote gilt, a combo of gift and quilt! LOL). Can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. Can things ever be too fabulous ?

    I asked someone the other day whether I over use exclamation marks. I talk in exclamation marks.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with , given these combinations of fabrics and colours.

  3. love the colors. blue/brown is one of my fav color combos.

    i'm also working with those templates too. i think you are having better success lol

  4. good luck with this project, I know it will be great! I love the teals and brown, and the prints are so pretty.

  5. Those teals are fantastic! And yes, I'm on the edge of my seat. :-)

    Might I suggest the hybrid word: fantabulous? ;-)


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