
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Muppet Show

While I was posting about my grandparents, I thought it might be fun to do a few 'Way Back When-sday' posts. From what I've observed on other blogs, usually these go up on a Wednesday, but in an effort to eliminate procrastination, I thought I'd get a jump on it. So, here is my first official 'Way Back When-sday' post.

I grew up watching The Muppet Show. It is one of those funny and fond parts of who I am. It happened so long ago that the memories are fuzzy, but I know it happened and thinking of the Muppets makes me happy. This segment is one of my favorites of all time, and one of the only clear memories I have of watching the show. Without further ado, Mr. Harry Belafonte, circa 1978.


  1. I LOVED the Muppet Show too Elizabeth!

    It used to be on here on Sunday nights and we would all sit down and watch it as a family and sometimes have tea in the loungeroom as well. My mother was very strict about us eating tea at the table so this was a real treat.

    Those Sunday night dinners are among my fondest memories as a child too.

  2. I used to watch the muppets every morning before school. I just rented the Muppets Wizard of Oz for the kids...I was laughing harder than they were! The 'king prawn' dude is soooooo funny!


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