
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Grandma Week Day 1: The Nature Center

Each summer my mom invites her grandkids for a little stay-cation. She calls it Grandma Week and we have fun doing things around town. My kids look forward to it every year.

Our first day was spent at the Nature Center. After you park, you walk along a path adorned with birdhouses in order to get to the Visitor's Center. This is my brother's little Pixie. She's the littlest grandkid at the moment. She's spunky and a little mischievous, but not so much that her cuteness can't over come that. She found a buddy (LadyBug) and was ready to explore.

This bridge is just outside the visitor's center and we totally had to stop for a picture. Starting with the people over 4' tall and moving from left to right: Grasshopper, my youngest brother, Andrew (along for crowd control and because he's the favorite uncle), my mom (a.k.a. the Grandma), my youngest sister, Robin (a super-cool aunt also along for crowd control) and the kiddos across the front, Lizard Boy and his brother Mouse, LadyBug and Pixie.

This is LadyBug with Miss Butterfly. Miss Butterfly is the second oldest grandchild, born five months after Grasshopper. She has a really tall dad. LadyBug and Miss Butterfly are fast friends.

This is Cap'n Underpants. He's Miss Butterfly's second brother. And he's a little bit naughty, like all the best little boys are. Mr. Bug said that this is the look he gives right before he takes a swing at you. But he's only just a little bit naughty, so he probably wouldn't hit you too hard. Those sparkling eyes and that charming smile melt your heart and you can't help but love him, even if he did haul off and slug you.

Here we are four-tenths of a mile onto the trail. We're really enjoying Nature now. On the back row moving left to right: Grasshopper, Ladybug, Miss Butterfly, Praying Mantis (the brother between Miss Butterfly and Cap'n Underpants). In the front, left to right, the Cap'n, Mouse and his older brother Lizard Boy, who is five, hasn't been to Kindergarten yet and can already read on a second grade level.

We are at the Observation Tower (half-way into our trek into Nature) for our annual photo with Grandma. It always looks like mayhem is about to break out. On the left are Cap'n Underpants, his older brother, Mantis, their older sister Miss Butterfly and sitting next to her is their youngest brother, Roly-Poly Bug. Grandma is in the center back and Pixie is standing in front of her. Next to her are LadyBug and Mouse on the back row and Grasshopper and Lizard in front.

And finally, back at the Visitor's Center for potty breaks and water. Of course my kids found the comfiest spots to rest. Grasshopper looks like he's about done for the day.

LadyBug always has a smile for me.

Quote of the day: At the door of the visitor's center Mouse asked, Is there Nature in there?

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how dark Grasshopper's hair has turned!

    I love the idea of Grandma week. Are the grandkids' parents involved in most of the activities? What a great week to look forward to and remember!


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