
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Grandma Week Day 3: The Aquatic Center

Day three of Grandma Week was spent at the aquatic center -- with the cameras at home. It is a really fun place that is indoor and outdoor and pretty much the entire day was spent there. The kids started to grow gills. The weather this spring has been really mild and even though the sun was shining, the small breeze made things chilly in the outdoor portion so most of the time was spent in the covered area. I asked the kids what their favorite parts of the day were.

Grasshopper: Going around the razy liver with my uncle.

Miss Butterfly: the outdoor pool, because we kept pretending to faint and we were gliding through the water. I went down the slide 25 times.

LadyBug: The tubes! The tubes! The tubes! [Editor's note: for floating around the lazy river.]

Mantis: I liked the part when I went down the slide.

Lizard: We got to go down a big slide. I went in the lazy river and I went in the lazy river [Editor's note: transcript is verbatim.] and I got to float on a blow-up float.

Cap'n Underpants: The big yellow slide.

Mouse: The swirly-whirly slide.

Roly-Poly Bug: We go in a big huge pool. [Editor's Note: this is how big the pool was:]

Pixie: I swimmin' on my boat.

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