
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Grandma Week Day 5: The Children's Treehouse Museum

Today is the last day of our Grandma Week adventures. We had pancakes for breakfast, a quiet morning, a bit of lunch, brownies for Mantis' birthday . . .

. . . and then a trip to the Children's Treehouse Museum. There was so much to see and do. We hardly knew where to start. LadyBug, Grasshopper, Mantis and Miss Butterfly fought a few fires with a volunteer fireman.

Mantis and Cap'n Underpants played chess.

LadyBug, Miss Butterfly and Andrew toured the world.

Once back in the US, there was some very official business to take care of.

From the White House, we all traveled West.

And then we traveled back to the Days of the Knights.

Lizard Boy put on the biggest tunic and so we asked him if he'd swap with Andrew so that Andrew could have one that fit for our pictures.

Lizard was most obliging and came to show me his new tunic after he'd swapped. He provided the Quote of the Day when he said, how do you like my Knight Suit now? I laughed and said to his mom, I think that made quote of the day. Lizard then supplied Quote of the Day Part II: All right! I said the quote of the day!
The Royal Court from left to right: Court Jester Mantis, Sir Underpants, Lady Butterfly and her pet dragon, Squire Mouse, Prince Andrew, Grasshopper the Valiant, Lady LadyBug and Sir Lizard-a-Lot.

Until next year, we bid you farewell!


  1. Okay how are you doing all that special effects stuff with your photos, because I noticed the flashing button in your sidebar last post too...and it's rockin'!

    Enuiring minds want to know what kind of magic that is. You must share this new found skill with your dearest blog buddies (that would be moi)

    The kids look like they've had so much fun this week. I bet youre exhausted! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us.

  2. Just read through the staycation! Really wonderful. Looked like a lot of fun for all. I loved that First Ladies quilt too.

  3. The treehouse museum is one of our all time favorite places. My kids are always talking about it, and the dinorsaur museum. Your mom must be a super-grandma.


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