
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Grandma Week: Wrap-Up

Grandma week is over and my kids had a really fabulous time! LadyBug counted down the days for three weeks beforehand and had her suitcase packed and ready to go on Monday afternoon. And by all accounts, the week really lived up to expectations. I'm not sure how Grandma is doing, but my kids both fell asleep in the car on the way home last night -- something they hardly ever do anymore. My mom is a really young Grandma and had at least two other adults to help her with all the activities, but I'm betting she wishes she had another week's worth of vacation time to spend recuperating from her week with the kids and grandkids. Unfortunately, she has to be back at work at 6:00 am on Monday morning. I hope she gets a nap in sometime today.

I really enjoyed reading your comments about our week. I enjoyed sharing the kids' fun with you. And now I want to share with you one of the really fun things for me this week. One of the exhibits at the Children's Treehouse Museum was an interactive quilt!

This quilt was created and donated by a Treehouse volunteer, Rebecca Williams, during her senior year in High School. She printed pictures of each of the First Ladies of our country onto printable fabric sheets and then made them into pockets that she put on the quilt. In each pocket is a little card with fun facts and information about each of the First Ladies. I was completely in awe of the creative way this sweet girl shared her talents and donated her time. The quilt helped her to earn the Girl Scout Gold Award, a wonderful achievement. As I was helping to supervise eight children, I didn't have time to stop and read all the fun information this quilt contained but my kids want to go back to the museum sometime soon and that will be an exhibit I really explore next time. Click on the picture for a closer view of this amazing quilt.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, how nice that you got to have an extra special treat for yourself there, on that outing! I know what you mean about missing something great and wanting to go back though--we took our kids to a science museum in Portland and they didn't have much patience for all of the "boring" inventions and amazing other display items at the exhibit on Leonardo daVinci. Jeff and I really wanted to go back, but we never made it. I hope you can make it back to see the quilt soon :).


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