
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Piece, Love, Twilight: A Quilt for Stephenie Meyer

I've been a member of the Twilight Quilters Coven for more than a year. Our official anniversary is March 31, 2009, but we were talking about Twilight and quilting and working on our own Twilight themed quilts before we formed our group. We live scattered across the United States, Canada and even have a member in Australia. As we chatted about the books and quilting and quilting about the books we decided that we wanted to give something back to the woman who has inspired each of us in so many ways. Despite the geographical obstacles, we began work on a Twilight themed quilt that was eventually named Piece, Love, Twilight: A Quilt for Stepehnie Meyer.

When we began this quilt, we'd never met each other in person. We coordinated design and blocks on a thread at TwilightMOMS. Our starting point came from a member who has since left our group. She suggested a medallion for the center of the quilt with a representation of each of the book covers in the parts of the medallion. Because I'm bossy and opinionated, she and another of our group nominated me to be the project leader, and being bossy and opinionated, I took the job. I took the medallion idea and ran with it. I made a scale paper model of the medallion and then we began discussing ways to complete the rest of the quilt. We brainstormed for the best ways represent the books in quilt blocks and make it work with the medallion center. We decided to put a quote from each book in the four corners of the quilt and blocks representing characters and key parts of the books on all four sides. I had no experience with PhotoShop (still don't), or even Microsoft Paint, so I Mickey Moused another paper model, printing out pictures and a rough grid filled in with color so that we could have a layout to be getting on with.

Each of us signed up for blocks that interested us and when they were completed, everyone mailed them to me for assembly. My part of the quilt was the three outer layers of the medallion. I felt like the quilter who had come up with the medallion idea should have the honor of creating the center block. Here are a few shots of my blocks.

This is the parrot tulip from the New Moon cover. The Twilight and Breaking Dawn covers really make sense after you've read the books, but the parrot tulips on the New Moon cover have a lot of folks shaking their heads. In the weeks after I read the books, I read on-line somewhere that Stephenie Meyer didn't have a lot of say in the book covers until the later books.

My favorite paper piecing designer, Cat is responsible for no less than six of the designs in this quilt. But at the time, she didn't have a design for the Eclipse cover ribbon (another one that makes us wonder). So I decided to use real ribbon. This was a bit of a scary proposition, though, and so I sashed the center block, cut my setting triangles and moved on to making the Breaking Dawn chess board. I'd already modeled that out in about 12,472 1" paper squares, so I knew what I was up against there. I thought that if I had the Breaking Dawn portion of the medallion all ready to go, it would force me to come back to the ribbon and just do it.

I used the actual book cover as a model for the placement of the ribbon on the quilt. I snipped away a section of the selvage edge of the ribbon with my sharpest scissors and pulled out the cross threads. Then I hacked away the length-wise threads kind of the way the hairstylist does when she's texturizing your hair. I pinned it in place and sewed it down. It was kind of a group consensus to make it a continuous pattern through the four setting triangles, rather than repeating the ribbon break in each section. I think it worked out well.

This section was pretty smooth sailing, for the most part. I strip pieced as much as possible and only sewed individual 1½" blocks when absolutely necessary. I used the Breaking Dawn cover for the chess pieces — traced them onto paper and then reversed that over a light table and onto Heat 'n Bond Lite. The shadow details were added in by the marvelously talented quilter, Vivian of Quilts with Love.

Here is the complete center of the quilt. I find myself wondering if this quilt has any appeal greater than a niche market. But you kinda have to admit that the red, white and black really catches the eye, even if you have no clue what it is all about.

The blocks came in and as everyone else's work on the quilt was complete, I still had a bit to do. I arranged the blocks around the center and took photos of different layouts. We talked about it and may have even had a formal vote on it. The layout we ended up with was a general consensus among the group. When I finished the top, I mailed it to Vivian, who did a beautiful custom quilting job on it. She then hand-delivered the quilt back to me for binding and a label.
Elizabeth (l) and Vivian (r), July 8, 2009

When the quilt was finished, we entered it in the Springville Art Museum quilt show where it won Best Group Quilt with a $100 prize (which was donated to ALSF) and the Pacific International Quilt Festival. We were even featured in the February/March 2010 issue of Quilter's Home Magazine. We sent the quilt to Stephenie Meyer in January of 2010 as thanks for the inspiration she gives to each of us.
Here are some close-up shots of the individual blocks (place cursor in the right hand corner to bring up play options to pause, stop, etc. the slideshow):

Block credits
Medallion Center:
Twilight Book Cover: Forbidden Fruit pattern by Cat, piecing by Shannon
New Moon Book Cover: Broken Petals pattern by Cat, piecing by Elizabeth
Eclipse Book Cover: design and piecing by Elizabeth
Breaking Dawn Book Cover: design and piecing by Elizabeth

Quilt layout, assembly and binding: by Elizabeth
Book Quotes: machine embroidery by Jerri Lynn
Machine Quilting: by Vivian

Top Row:
The Forks Forest: design and piecing by Wanda
Charlie: Two-Tone Star pattern by Jennifer Ofenstein, design and piecing by Jerri Lynn
Vampire Baseball: pattern by Elizabeth, piecing by Wanda
Bella's Truck: Red Truck pattern by Cat, piecing by Joyce
“My” Jacob: Paw Print pattern by Cat, piecing by Jean

Left Column:
Vegetarian Vampire Eyes: traditional jewel box pattern, piecing by Jean
Carlisle & Esme: Hardback Book pattern by Jennifer Ofenstein, layout and piecing by Iris
Emmett & Rosalie: Grizzly Bear pattern by Linda Hibbert at Silver Linings Originals, piecing by Shannon
Jasper & Alice: Crystal Ball pattern by Jennifer Ofenstein, Jasper fabric by Iris, piecing by Shannon
The Meadow: pattern and piecing by Iris

Right Column:
The “Other” Jacob: Howling Wolf pattern by Jennifer Ofenstein, piecing by Joyce
La Push: First Beach: La Push: First Beach pattern by Cat, piecing by Jerri Lynn
Bella's Bracelet: Charm Bracelet pattern by Cat, piecing by Joyce
Edward's Diamond Heart: pattern and piecing by Iris
The Volturi: Clock Tower at Volterra: pattern and piecing by Iris

Bottom Row:
And So the Lion Fell In Love With the Lamb: Lion pattern by Linda Hibbert, Lamb pattern by Four Twin Sisters, piecing by Shannon
Bella & Edward's Wedding Dance: Strike Up the Band part 1 and part 2 pattern by Liz Schwartz & Stephen Seifert, piecing by Shannon
Isle Esme: Quill pattern by Jennifer Ofenstein, layout and piecing by Iris
Renesmee's Locket: design and piecing by Joyce
Bella & Edward's Stone Cottage: pattern and piecing by Shannon

Our group also created a New Moon quilt for the release of the movie in November of 2009. The quilt was auctioned off for $850, all of which was donated to ALSF.

We are currently working on an Eclipse donation quilt, the proceeds of which will also go to ALSF.

Working with a geographically scattered group creates an interesting dynamic. You have to give up a certain amount of control and develop trust in your fellow quilters. The result is sometimes unexpected, but alway amazing. Thanks ladies for a wonderful year of quilting together. I'm looking forward to many more.

P.S. Although we really expected nothing in return, it was totally awesome to receive a personalized autographed New Moon collector's edition from Stephenie Meyer in the mail. Each of us got one. Pretty amazing!


  1. Every time I see this quilt I just am in complete awe.

    The planning and work that went into it are amazing. Your group are true fans, and how cool that Stephanie sent you an autographed book.

    And before you ask - I still haven't read any of the books or seen the movies...

  2. I'm still in complete awe of you ladies!

  3. Elizabeth, I love seeing your completed projects. Fun to see you holding that Twilight quilt "in real life"! That is so awesome that you received that thank you gift from Stephenie Meyer. What book did she send you? Is that one of the 4 Twilight books?


Thanks for taking the time to comment. It totally makes my day!