
Monday, July 12, 2010

Wedding Rings and Wedding Dresses

In a time when nothing is more certain than change, the commitment of two people to one another has become difficult and rare. Yet, by its scarcity, the beauty and value of this exchange have only been enhanced. -Robert Sexton

Remember the double wedding ring quilt memento I made from left-over wedding dress fabric combined with the super fabulous Metro Blue line? The wedding was a couple of weeks ago and now that I've seen the dress, the white lace with ivory colored satin makes much more sense. The lady who made the bride's dress also made a vest for the groom which, I think, makes the quilt memento all the more special {I think I can say that without sounding too boastful, because the whole idea of making something of the leftover fabric wasn't mine. The way the whole project came together with the woman who made the dress suggesting that I do something like that and then getting the idea for the double wedding ring block was inspired, in the true sense of the word, I think. I take no credit -- I just put it together and get to show it off a bit.}.

I thought you might like to see the beautiful bride and her groom on their special day. You can see how pretty that lace looks over the top of the satin. The dress is beautiful. I love the chocolate sash on it and the groom, in his matching vest and chocolate suit, is very handsome.

Here's a wider shot with the bride's parents and you can see most of the dress. I love the contrast between the bodice and the skirt, and look how pretty her bouquet is.

Here is one final picture of them cutting their cake. Don't you just love weddings?


  1. i love weddings. and i love the brown sash on the bride's dress.

    and seeing your finished gift of the wedding ring block makes me feel guilty for throwing mine in the garbage while camping. but don't panic, mom grabbed it out of the garbage and took it home.

  2. Many congrats to the bride and groom! I'd say your double-wedding ring memento made from the leftover fabric was a stroke of genius from all involved. Seeing the wedding dress and the groom's tux, brings home the fact about how perfect the memento is.

  3. Wow! Your quilt is beautiful. I could learn SO much from you. I knew that Judy's daughter was getting married. . . but it is fun to see the pictures. I am in love with her dress. I'm kind of a non-traditional dress lover. Lately I am loving the short wedding dresses (and no I have no need to be looking at them right now - just an obsession).

    Hope you are having a fantastic summer!


  4. Wow, I love how they'll have that quilt piece to remind them always of their wedding! That is very BLUE! But it's real pretty with the brown and satin.


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