
Saturday, August 28, 2010

An AccuQuilt Go! Cutter of My Very Own

The only sure thing about luck is that it will change. -Wilson Mizner

I'm pinching myself just a little to make sure I'm not dreaming. It is, after all, the middle of the night. But I'm pretty sure that I won a Go! Cutter from Heather at A La Mode Fabric and :faint:. Check this out {Heather, I hope you don't mind that I borrowed a page from your blog as proof}:

:partytime: Thank you Heather! :partytime:
{And AccuQuilt, of course.}

I've been following Heather for ages. She is so creative and talented {and I'm not just saying that because I won a Go! from her giveaway}! Her cathedral windows pillow inspired my fabric choices for a cathedral windows quilt. And check out her hexies {these too}. You know the Go! Hexies die is at the top of my wish list now.

I've had a streak of really good luck lately. I've averaged a win a week for the past five weeks. That is pretty amazing. I'm not sure whether I should retire from the blog giveaway circuit for a bit, or keep on entering. Mr. Bug says I should give someone else a chance to win :lol:. In any case, I'm hoping that some of my luck will rub off and one of you will win a Go! Cutter too. There is still time to enter these giveaways.

Canton Village Quilt Works
If you haven't met Jackie, check her out. Giveaway ends on August 28.

Sweet P Quilting
She's done an awesome quilt with the strip cutter. Winners will be posted the morning of August 31.

Sew Many Ways
Karen is so creative. She's posted lots of fun ways to use the Go! Cutter dies. Giveaway ends September 1.


  1. That is terrific! Congratulations on your win. I have entered too. I don't have a GO yet but would love to. :0) I'm usually a little behind on the times so I'm sure I'll get one eventually. ;0)

    You'll have to be posting some pictures for us after you get it.

    Again, Congratulations. It's nice to see people excited when something good happens.


  2. Wow, girl, you are on a roll! CONGRATS! I know I will be inspired by whatever you make with your new GO!

  3. Way to go! After you start using the GO, please let us know how you like it. Love you blog, as always.

  4. That is just toooooooooooooooooooooo will love your Go...totally love it. I am excited for you!

  5. Congratulations on winning a GO! Can't wait to see what you create with it!


  6. what?! seriously? wow .... that's way exciting! they are like $300+ at Joann's I think. i'm so stoked for you! i'd love to hear how you like it :)

  7. oh. My. Gosh. SHUT UP! Congrats, that is so incredibly fantastic. I am so happy for you! That is just awesome, seriously fantastic. You are one lucky lady for sure.

  8. Yayyyy! How much fun are you going to have??


  9. Congrats on your win!! Can't wait to see what you create now :)


  10. WOW! That's great. I don't believe in gambling, but you should buy a lottery ticket.

    I've been drooling over the Go cutter. Maybe someday ...


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