
Monday, August 9, 2010

Apron № 100: A Giveaway

Grandma's Apron
by Tina Trivett

The strings were tied, It was freshly washed, and maybe even pressed.
For Grandma, it was everyday to choose one when she dressed.
The simple apron that it was, you would never think about;
the things she used it for, that made it look worn out.

She may have used it to hold, some wildflowers that she'd found.
Or to hide a crying child's face, when a stranger came around.
Imagine all the little tears that were wiped with just that cloth.
Or it became a potholder to serve some chicken broth.

She probably carried kindling to stoke the kitchen fire.
To hold a load of laundry, or to wipe the clothesline wire.
When canning all her vegetables, it was used to wipe her brow.
You never know, she might have used it to shoo flies from the cow.

She might have carried eggs in from the chicken coop outside.
Whatever chore she used it for, she did them all with pride.
When Grandma went to heaven, God said she now could rest.
I'm sure the apron that she chose, was her Sunday best.

Just over two years ago, I decided to make aprons as birthday gifts for my mom, mother-in-law, sisters and sisters-in-law. They were so fun to make and I got a little hooked on picking out different fabric and rick-rack combinations. The trouble was, I found more combinations than I knew what to do with and since I didn't really need more than a couple of aprons and since they were always well received, the project snowballed {:crazy:} to include a birthday apron for just about everyone I know. Since July of 2008, I've made 99 aprons. The best part has been sharing them with so many people. As apron № 100 approached, I knew I wanted to do something special, so I've decided to make my 100th apron a giveaway.

{Rose Garden}
The winner will receive their choice of apron, either Rose Garden or Honey Bees, made to order in the size of their choice {click on the photos for a closer look}.

Children's Sizes:
Extra Small (3-4)
Small (5-6)
Medium (7-8)
{Honey Bees}
Large (9-10)
Extra Large (11-12)

Adult Sizes:
Extra Small (2-4)
Small (6-8)
Medium (10-12)
Large (14-16)
Extra Large (18-22)

Fabrics are pre-washed 100% cotton and each apron is professionally finished to stand up to a long life of washing and wearing. I'm offering two different fabric combinations for the winner to chose from – one is very girly and the other is more whimsical – so that hopefully this giveaway would be of interest to many different people. And rememeber, if you personally wouldn't wear this style of apron {or if you already have one :wink:}, they make great gifts!

Here's how to enter: You do not have to have a Blogger account or blog to enter my giveaway. However, if you are using the anonymous posting option, please leave your first name and e-mail address in the following form: address @ domain name (dot) com. Anonymous posts with no contact information or duplicate posts will be deleted.

The giveaway will be open until 11:59 pm {MDST} on Monday, August 16. I'll close the comments at that time and draw and post the winner by noon {MDST} on Tuesday, August 17.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry. Each person is allowed up to four entries.

1. Comment: Browse through the 99 aprons below {you don't have to look at them all} and tell me your favorite.

2. Follow: If you're already a follower of my blog, leave me a comment saying so. If you're new, become a follower of my blog {scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to find it} and then leave me a comment. {Editor's Note: If you're new here, please have a look around before you commit to following me just for a chance to win an apron. Read some of my other posts, know that I'm a little weird, I tend to ramble on, I'm not always super funny and although I try to keep religion contained to my Sunday posts sometimes it leaks out on other days. It is just who I am. And sharing who I am is part of my blogging process.}

3. Blog: Blog about my giveaway and then leave a comment with a link to your post. I'll come and check you out!

4. Button: Add my little button {thank you, Iris!} to your sidebar and then leave a comment with a link to your blog. If you already have my button, let me know in a comment.
Such a Sew and Sew

Here are the 99 aprons I have made, all in one place. Most of the aprons I made are 'twins' {it was the most economic use of fabric} so I usually only took a photo of one of the 'twins.' And sometimes I was in a hurry to get the aprons out the door to the birthday girls, so I only have photographic evidence of about 80% of the aprons I've made. I do however have a list of every person who got an apron and I've been asking for pictures with them wearing their aprons. I have a few new pictures I haven't shown in my other posts about aprons and those are at the top. To see pictures of the rest, if you click on the name it will take you to a picture of the apron that belongs to that person, sometimes even with them wearing it!

{l to r: Brittney, Bailey}
{l to r: Cindy, Barbara}
{Joyce, who took the trouble to go out and make SnowBurgers in the middle of the winter so she could show off her apron!}
{l to r: Julie, Miss Butterfly}
{l to r: Kaylee, Jen S.}
{l to r: Sarah, Elise, Shauna}
Amber, Angie, Anne {far left}, Aria, Arlene, Audrey {far left}, Barbara M., Barbara S., Becky C., Becky L., BreanneCarol, Catherine, Ceara, Chloe {far left}, Claire {center}, Connie, Dana {center}, DebbieElizabeth {me} #1 {far right}, Elizabeth {me} #2 {third from the left}, Emily {second from the right}, Emma {second from the right}, Gabby, Grace {second from the left}, Inna, Irene, Iris {right}, Jane R. {second from the left}, Jane W. {center}, Jeanne, Jeannie, Jen A., Jenna, Jerri Lynn, Jill, Josie, Judy, Kaelynn {far left}, Kate, Kathryn, Kerri, Kim, Kimberly {second from the left}, Kristi, Kristy, Krystal {second from the right}, LadyBug #1, LadyBug #2, Linda, Lorelei, Lori, Lucy, Lynnette, Mary, Mary Rose, Mary Sue, Maya {left}, Megan {far right}, Melissa, Michael-Ann, Michelle {far right}, Myrna, Olivia, Pam, Peggy {second from the right}, Pixie, Rachel {far right}, Rebecca, Robin {second from the left}, Sarah R. {center}, Selene, Shaunalei, Shoni, Simone, Sje, Sondra, Stephanie {third from the right}, Tiffany, Tina, Wanda


  1. I just love your aprons.
    I am a folower.

    I already have your button.

    I will blog.

  2. Cute aprons! You have made quite a variety, wow! I especially like the bright, whimsical ones like Jen, Sue, Julie, and Miss Butterfly are wearing.

    (Now I have to go check if I'm a follower...I think so!)

  3. I am an apron junkie so I would love the chance to win on of your beautiful aprons! I love the print you used on Michael-Ann's.

  4. I love the twinner ones with the mom and daughter! Too cute.
    And, the snow burgers are hilarious!! I was dying :) :) :)

  5. I love Sje's apron- bright, fun and colorful.

  6. I'm a follower

    I have your button already

    will be posting on blog today about your giveaway!

    I love Joyce's!! Also love that bumble bee one!! ;)

  7. Cute aprons. My pick is Christy - really like the brown and green combination. BTW Our local weekly newspaper runs a column and the writer is an apron collector. She published a similar poem to that on your blog - sweet words. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  8. i do follow you blog(new follower)and not just for the apron

  9. my favourite apron would have to be the honey bees. i love the pattern and i think i think a lady can never have too many aprons and its mighty lovely of you to give them away as gifts. lots of love from africa.

  10. Barb from Bejeweled Quilts sent me your way. And I'm glad she did. I love aprons and have made three myself lately and looking forward to making more. Your blog inspires me to make more.
    I seem to gravitate to the brightly colored aprons and you've several here in your one hundred aprons.


  11. I've browsed your blog and find that aprons are not the only thing that sparks my interest in your blog. I see a number of your pieces [especially The Porsche] that interest me.
    So I think I'll be back so I've become a Follower.


  12. I've put your Such a Sew and Sew button with a link in my side bar.

    Elizabeth, thanks for giving us the opportunity of having a chance, or two, to win one of your beauties.


  13. I'm back E and thankfully not too late for your giveaway.

    I'm a button thief and I follow! Ooooh and I just commented.

    I love Kaylee and Jen S's aprons. Cute fabric.

  14. Oh beautiflly made aprons my dear! I love the rose garden.. just foun your blog from Barb at Bejeweled!


  15. Elizabeth, I just added your button to my blog at


  16. Fiesta has left a new comment on your post:

    Elizabeth, I am already a follower. Thank you for the chance.

  17. Fiesta has left a new comment on your post:

    Christy's is my favorite.
