
Friday, August 13, 2010

Jazz Jammies

There is no such thing as gratitude unexpressed. If it is unexpressed, it is plain, old-fashioned ingratitude. -Robert Brault

I have the cutest Lawn Boy ever. And I don't mean 'cute' in a creepy cougar kind of way. I mean he is completely awesome, dependable, reliable, meticulous, a hard worker and content to do the most menial of tasks without complaint, notice or thanks. Ever. He mows and edges my lawn every Monday morning without fail. He never announces his arrival with a knock on the door, nor does he ring the bell when he's finished with the expectance of his paycheck. As a matter of fact, I have to track him down to pay him. He is one luxury we elected to keep when Mr. Bug's job was eliminated because our yard always looks so beautiful because of him. Besides my lawn, he mows six other lawns in the neighborhood 'for hire,' not to mention that the lawn is one of his assigned {and unpaid} chores at home.

This year we had a tree die. The Lawn Boy happened to be driving by with a load for the green waste yard, noticed the tree, turned around and came back for it and hauled it away for us. It was awesome. I wanted to do something equally as awesome for him. Unfortunately season tickets for the Utah Jazz are not in my budget {he's a big fan}. But I did find some cool fabric that I thought might make some snazzy summer jammies that show his allegiance.

I love this pajama pattern. It is an adult/child pattern with long and short sleeve and pant options. I think I bought it about 11 years ago. Recently, I looked to see if it was still available, but it's been discontinued which is a shame because the baseball jersey neckline is so cool. I love to make pajamas and have used this pattern a ton {for starters, my kids have two winter pairs and a summer pair each}. The only trouble with home-made jammies is the lack of a tag in the back so you know which way to put your pants on. I like to put a loop of ribbon at the back seam {a trick I learned from my mom} so that you can easily figure out which way to put them on.

I'll write a little thank-you note and include this week's payment when I take these pajamas over to my Lawn Boy. Because I'm so grateful for him.


  1. Wow! What a winner of a lawn boy. I know he'll appreciate your thoughtful gift. I hope you'll blog about it.

  2. A lawn boy like that is priceless! What a sweet gift. I do the ribbon in the back seam of the jammies too!

  3. "I don't mean 'cute' in a creepy cougar kind of way" I maybe snorted when I read this.... maybe. I'm totally using your ribbon tip, that's brilliant!

  4. That was really sweet of you to do that for him...I would like to know what he thought???? You are lucky to have such a hard worker....

  5. E that sucha sweet thing to do. Hope he likes the jammies. (I suspect you already know I'm a BIG fan of pyjamas)

  6. Isn't it nice to find good, hard-working dependable people? They are treasures and should be rewarded for their efforts too. I'm glad you realize you have a gem and what a sweet reward. I hope he likes them.

  7. Awesome pajamas. I bet he will love them. What a cool employer you are!


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