
Monday, August 16, 2010

Pinwheel Sampler Quilt Along: block eight

I cannot count my day complete
'Til needle, thread and fabric meet.

So, the p.s. i quilt: pinwheel sampler quilt along: block eight was posted a really long time ago. Like four months ago. Rachel gave lots of links to cool pinwheel blocks and told us to make our favorite for this last set of blocks. I had mine picked out right away; the Mosaic block. But since I have a severe case of OCD, I got sidetracked with lots of other projects. I think I also have a slight case of QADD because as soon as I got knee deep in other endeavors, this Pinwheel Sampler was just calling my name.

I finally made it back to block eight {the last set of blocks!} this weekend. Here is colorway one, which I really love:

And colorway two, which is very similar to the first one, but I'm not such a fan of this one :confused:. Go figure:

The final layout for the quilt has also long since been posted. Baby pinwheels where used as setting squares in Rachel's original quilt, but she did not include that in her final layout {I'm guessing because there wasn't enough fabric in a layer cake to include them :question:}, but that is one detail I had to include in my quilt. After all, Rachel wanted us to make our quilts our own. So, I've got my baby pinwheels all ready to go.

My sashing pieces are all cut and waiting to go, so hopefully I will be able to finish my quilt top this week {provided that the OCD doesn't kick in again :lol:}.


  1. love this block! the second block is my favorite :)

  2. Yowza! Love all those pinks and browns. I can see why the polka dots were distracting tho. But all beautiful blocks. Lane

  3. It's going to be a beautiful quilt!

  4. I'm with you E. I love the first pinwheel block. I'm looking forward to seeing this one finished. It's gonna be so beautiful.


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