
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Sincerest Form of Flattery

Imitation is the sincerest of flattery. -Charles Caleb Colton

{Photographs courtesy of Tori @
James Family Blog}
Last Friday, as I was linking up to Sew & Tell Friday, I saw a really pretty . . . and familiar . . . double wedding ring quilt block. I was curious and a little exctied, so I clicked on over, wondering if the person who had made this double wedding ring had possibly seen mine a while back at Sew & Tell Friday and liked my idea enough to use it. When I got to Tori's post {she also posted about it here}, sure enough, she'd seen my double wedding ring and set to work on making her own. I can't tell you how flattered I am. Well, maybe I can, since I'm posting about it :lol:. I have to say again, though, that I can't really take much credit for the way my double wedding ring turned out. It was one of those projects that just comes together so perfectly that you know that something so amazing had to have been inspired.

In her posts, Tori talked about how she put her block together. My favorite part was that she included her husband in the creative process. Their wedding colors were yellow and white and their bedroom colors are grey and black. After a quite a search, she was able to find some really pretty coordinating fabrics in yellow, grey and black for the patchwork rings and she bought some bridal satin on eBay {as opposed to cutting up her actual wedding dress, which I am considering doing to make one of these for myself} for the body of the block, so her fabrics came together perfectly. Look at how beautifully her block turned out! I l♥ve it. Nice job Tori!


  1. I remember seeing this wedding ring memento. Beautiful! Looks like you started a trend, Elizabeth.

  2. Thank you so much for posting this! It means a lot to me that you like it since I completely got the idea from you! :]


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