
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Snowball Night: Week 12

I keep my end tables full of needlework and quilting so I don't have to dust them. -Unknown

Are you bored of seeing the same partly finished snowball blocks yet? Because I'm running out of clever ways to display them for photographing.

I've got three corners on 48 blocks, which is the equivalent of 36 finished blocks if I had divided the blocks out to finish a fourth of them each week instead of doing one corner every week. I think if I had decided to finish a fourth of them at a time, I may have skipped a week or two here and there and not made as much progress because there would be nothing partially finished and waiting for me to work on it. This way, I have to work on the blocks a bit each week because it bugs me knowing that they are sitting in the cabinet partially finished. I'm working at a slower pace on this quilt than I did the first, but still looking forward to finishing it so I can have my own to snuggle under.

On a different, but not altogether unrelated note, I guest posted over at Stash Manicure today. Rae Ann had this clever idea to populate a blog with ideas from lots of different quilters on how they manage scraps and stash fabrics. Since my snowball quilts are made from my stash {except for the fabric I bought with a 50% off coupon for the sashing, binding and back, which I think is completely reasonable -- most stash pieces are not large enough for those things}, making them somewhat relevant to the theme of her blog, I took Rae Ann up on her offer to post. It was a lot of fun and I have really enjoyed reading through the comments today. I noticed I have a couple of new followers! Welcome :hug:! And for all of you who have been reading my madness for a while now, thanks for sticking with me :hug:.

I'm putting the snowball quilt away until next week {it kind of keeps it interesting to only work on it one day a week} and I'm going to see if I can make some headway with my pinwheel sampler. It is time to spread it out on the living room floor put it up on my design wall and find the perfect arrangement for those fabulous pink and brown pinwheels.


  1. I am not at all bored with seeing your snowballs. I just read your post on Stash Manicure. I love that quilt, and what a great use of your stash! I want to make one. My stash is in need of reduction, but I'm not sure it all coordinates as well as yours.

  2. I never get tired of seeing your snowball quilt. You've got such a good eye for color.

    Excellent blogging on Stash Manicure too!

  3. Everyone is getting famous this week. Congratulations on your guest post , it was wonderful.

    I'm trying vlaiantly to get some more snowball action happening this week.


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