
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sneak Peek

A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault. –John Henry Newman

This is just a little peek at what Grace and I are working on this week. I've finished about ¾ of the quilting on my project and had to stop and show you this one pretty loopy flower. Keep in mind, I did not show you the 86 other loopy flowers that are not as pretty-and-loopy-with-nice-even-stitches that it took me to get this one really good loopy flower. I can't wait to get this quilt in the wash so all the imperfections will disappear :lol:.

Free motion quilting is something that I've wanted to learn for a while. I've been following the Free Motion Quilt Along posts, doing the exercises in my head. But with Grace out of action for so long this month, I've got a really long queue of projects that need to be finished {like yesterday :rolleyes:} so I just haven't been able to get to it {although I do have my fabrics for the top all picked out, washed, pressed and ready to be cut :clap:}. One of my top priorities is to work on that as soon as possible. The quilt I'm working on right now was something that had to be finished before I could stop and practice lots of different techniques. As I've been working on it, I have imagined all the fun different things I could have done with it, the designs I could have worked into it, in addition to the loopy flowers. There are so many possibilities, which is really exciting to me. Christina's FM Quilt Along breaks it down into really easy steps and makes it completely do-able.

Hopefully I'll be able to show you a finished quilt soon. It always surprises me how long it takes me to get things done. Either I underestimate the projects that I choose or overestimate my abilities. Yes. I think that :lol:.


  1. This is gorgeous. I'm sure the other loopy flowers look sensational too. When do we get to see the whole thing?

    I hope you're enjoying sewing with Grace again. Isnt it dreadful when our machines take a break? (I have a backup machine these days for just in case)

    I'm sure you dont over estimarte your own abilities ever Elizabeth.

    And I really have to pull my finger out on the FM quiltalong...

  2. I think you did great! I have never seen a perfectly symetrical flowers in a garden. I love free motion quilting and never worry about perfection - that is when I make mistakes and my shoulders start hurting from being up-tight.

    I love visiting your blog -- you are a hoot!

  3. Gorgeous! That little loopy flower is what I want to be able to do in the '30 reproduction doll quilt white blocks. And if I can't do it, I'm going to send it to you, now that I know you can! :)

  4. love it love it love it! today i'm also playing with loopy flowers :)

  5. Elizabeth, I'm so impressed! Your loopy flower is gorgeous. I want to be able to do that. Did you draw anything out first? Or is that totally free-hand?

  6. I'm loving the loopy flower look. I'm glad you're getting so good at something that only recently you were just wishing to learn!


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