
Friday, February 5, 2010

My Twilight Quilt: Cottage and Forest

This is Bella & Edward's cottage (you've seen that part) with two of the four panels that will connect it to the Cullen's house.

I have to admit, I'm not crazy about the forest*. The taller tree, closest to the house, is maybe a little too 'patch-worky' or 'country.' Iris shared this pattern with me and I think it is called 'Country Pine.' The pattern directed you to alternate every third section of the tree a different color. I debated about whether or not to do this, right up until I started construction. I pulled out my stash of greens and put three together that I thought would blend well with each other. I started working and still felt hesitant after putting in three sections of tree. I decided to 'give it a chance' and liked it better once I'd rotated through the colors a second time. Now that it is finished and in place I'm back to my original thoughts of it being a little too 'patch-worky.' I do like the brighter green tree which is from 365 Foundation Quilt Blocks by Linda Causee, but it is a little bright next to the other tree. No do-overs though. I'm low on the grey sky background fabric. If I'm careful I should have enough to finish the other two panels of the 'joiner' section and the Cullen's house, plus have enough left for the sky at Jacob's house. I'd really like to use that fabric it in a few other places. I'm going to have to put out another internet search party to find some more.

The next section, which will be on the left of the forest*, is the River and then another tree will sit to the left of that. The Cullen's house will be on the far left. The River pattern is from 365 Foundation Quilt blocks and the third tree is also a 'Country Pine.' I digitally adjusted the patterns for the forest* and river to fit into the space I had available. I took the aspect ratio lock off so I could make both the width and height what I needed them to be. It was a fun process to tweak the patterns so that they would be just right for my project.

I can't wait to get working on the next two sections of the "River and Forest*" portion of this panel.

*Key: 1 Paper Pieced Tree = 500 Trees in the Forks Forest
1 Raw-Edge Appliqué Tree = 150 Trees in the Forks Forest

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