
Friday, February 5, 2010

2010 One Project A Month Index

UFO's (UnFinished Objects), WISP's (Works In Slow Progress), PhD's (Projects Half-Done). Call them what you want. We all have them.

I was browsing blogs yesterday and came across an OPAM Challenge at Happy in Quilting. I contacted Peg, the blog owner, and found that unfortunately her challenge is full. But I decided to play along at home, because prizes or no, I'm excited to get a few things finished and I thought this would be a fun way to catalog them.

These are the guidelines:
• The idea of the “One Project A Month Challenge" is pretty simple ... To try to finish at least ONE craft project by the end of each month. This can be something you’ve had partly done for a while, a pattern you bought ages ago that you finally get around to making up, or a completely new project - it’s entirely up to you. This is meant to be a low-stress challenge - if you don’t finish a project every month - that’s fine! We understand that sometimes life interferes with our best laid plans. We also realize that some projects are meant to be long-term and have a LOT of work involved, like a quilt or a cross-stitch. The main aim of the OPAM Challenge is to give us all a little bit of a motivational boost and to give us all a big cheer squad to encourage and inspire us.
• Only ‘soft’ crafts are included in the OPAM Challenge, ie., projects made from fabric or wool. Some examples are: embroidery, patchwork, quilting, cross-stitch, knitting, crochet, practical sewing (curtains, clothes etc), long stitch, appliqué.
• QUILTS: A quilt will only be counted as a finish if it is COMPLETELY finished ... Quilted and bound. Tops won’t count as finishes.
• BOM’s: Blocks that are part of a Block Of the Month program will only be counted as a finish when they are joined, quilted and bound. Individual BOM blocks DO NOT count as a finish.

Here are my 2010 Finishes!
  • January (four finishes)
Apron № 89: Mint Chocolate Chip
Fleece Baby Blanket
Abbey Bag for Iris
LadyBug's High School Musical Quilt

  • February (four finishes)
Valentine's Table Runner
Aprons № 90, 91 & 92: Bunches of Cherries & A Rose Garden

  • March (five finishes)
Scripture Covers for Ladybug and Grasshopper
The Experiment, Chicken & Stars and Elephant № 2, also known as Appliquéd Onesies
Aprons № 94 & 95: Teachers' Pets

  • May (four finishes)
Hearts Knit Together Table Runner
Aprons № 96, 97 & 98: Apples & Pears Remixed

  • June (five finishes)
Wedding Dress Wedding Ring Wall Hanging
Four Pink Sleep Masks {really, I did finish all four of them, you can see the three finished giveaway masks here}

  • July (seventeen finishes)
Ready-Made Apron with Appliquéd Heart & Matching Bias Binding
Frolic Abbey Bag & Ironing Board Cover
Three Housework Whenever Abbey Bags
Rainbow Sherbet Snowball Quilt
Fleece Blanket and Appliquéd Onesie
Six Vests and Two Dresses for my Sister's Wedding

  • August (five finishes)
Apron № 99: Honey Bees
Jazz Jammies
Apples & Pears Abbey Bag for Pink
Apron № 100: Honey Bees Giveaway
Apron № 101: Geology Rocks

  • September (three finishes)
Fleece Baby Blanket
Baby Frolic Quilt
Flannel and Minkee Baby Quilt

  • October (five finishes)
Embroidered Quilt Tag
A dress for me
Skirt Makeover for LadyBug
Two sets of Hogwarts Robes for Grasshopper and LadyBug

  • November (zero finishes)

  • December (seven finishes)
Machine Quilting for hire on two quilts
Two Art Journals
Aprons № 102, 103 & 104: Pink Princesses

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. I'm giong to go look through that and start making a few lists! Thanks for the link, and good work on being so productive (visiting from Sew+Tell)


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