Remember my adorable niece, Pixie? Well, she's now a big sister. Her little brother was born on September 1, 2010. Isn't he sweet? He's a little version of his daddy.
I had a hard time coming up with a name for the little guy. All the good bug names were taken. We were down to Millipede and Billbug and those certainly wouldn't do for such a sweet boy. I decided that if he was anything like his big sister, he'd probably be more of a magical creature than your ordinary, garden variety bug. So, I decided to call him Woodland Sprite; Woody for short.
And, of course, little Woody needed a new quilt. Remember those robes of many colors I made for the Little Bugs? And the Buggy Quilt of Many Colors I made from the scraps? Well, I had some more scraps left just waiting for the right baby to be made into a quilt for. Even before we knew if Woody was a boy or a girl, I was getting ready to make this quilt. It wasn't long after my brother and his wife announced that they were expecting that I was at JoAnn's with my trusty 50% off coupons to get some minkee for the back, and re-stock on solid flannel {on sale for $1.99 yard. Yes, I love a good deal} so that I could get this quilt together for the new baby.
This quilt is really nothing in the way of technique or design. But it was fun to put together because it is so soft and snuggly. I used the smaller scraps from the last quilt to make some four-patch blocks, and I used the left-over blue minkee from the robes and put in a few squares of red minkee from the back. I also bound this quilt with minkee, which turned out to be another of my sounds-good-in-my-head-but-is-a-little-tricky-in-the-execution ideas

Remember that streak of good luck I was having a while back with blog giveaways {I'm having you do a lot of remembering today, aren't I

As always, the artsy shots are fun, but I, personally, like to get a good look at the whole quilt, so for those of you who are a little like me, here it is, bound and ready to be delivered to little Woodland Sprite.
I haven't got a tag on it yet. I'm considering doing a hand embroidered tag for it {see above reference to ideas that sound good in my head

Now that is one happy quilt! Perfect for a new baby.
What a precious little baby. The quilt will be loved for many years. Very pretty.
Congrats to the new parents on their cute little boy!
I like the bright colors in this quilt. I'm always drawn to baby quilts made with minkee, but I have been reluctant to sew with it myself because it looks like it could be tricky. Yours looks like it quilted up nicely!
Gorgeous colors! Love it.
-- Colleen @ Made by Colleen
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