This is just a little peek at what Grace and I are working on this week. I've finished about ¾ of the quilting on my project and had to stop and show you this one pretty loopy flower. Keep in mind, I did not show you the 86 other loopy flowers that are not as pretty-and-loopy-with-nice-even-stitches that it took me to get this one really good loopy flower. I can't wait to get this quilt in the wash so all the imperfections will disappear

Free motion quilting is something that I've wanted to learn for a while. I've been following the Free Motion Quilt Along posts, doing the exercises in my head. But with Grace out of action for so long this month, I've got a really long queue of projects that need to be finished {like yesterday

Hopefully I'll be able to show you a finished quilt soon. It always surprises me how long it takes me to get things done. Either I underestimate the projects that I choose or overestimate my abilities. Yes. I think that

This is gorgeous. I'm sure the other loopy flowers look sensational too. When do we get to see the whole thing?
I hope you're enjoying sewing with Grace again. Isnt it dreadful when our machines take a break? (I have a backup machine these days for just in case)
I'm sure you dont over estimarte your own abilities ever Elizabeth.
And I really have to pull my finger out on the FM quiltalong...
I think you did great! I have never seen a perfectly symetrical flowers in a garden. I love free motion quilting and never worry about perfection - that is when I make mistakes and my shoulders start hurting from being up-tight.
I love visiting your blog -- you are a hoot!
Gorgeous! That little loopy flower is what I want to be able to do in the '30 reproduction doll quilt white blocks. And if I can't do it, I'm going to send it to you, now that I know you can! :)
love it love it love it! today i'm also playing with loopy flowers :)
Elizabeth, I'm so impressed! Your loopy flower is gorgeous. I want to be able to do that. Did you draw anything out first? Or is that totally free-hand?
I'm loving the loopy flower look. I'm glad you're getting so good at something that only recently you were just wishing to learn!
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