
Friday, April 30, 2010

Aprons № 94 & 95: Teachers' Pets

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. -Henry Brooks Adams

This week was teacher appreciation week at my kids' school. So I made aprons for them. I think they are so fabulous that, by bestowing them upon their teachers, my kids (and by extension, I) should be exempt from homework for the rest of forever. I know I passed second grade and I'm pretty sure I made it through fourth grade too. It seems a little unfair to have to do the homework all over again. The fourth grade science fair nearly did us in. It required a team effort from Grasshopper (the fourth grader), Mr. Bug and me. And we're pretty sure we earned college credit for it. I hear that when we get to eighth grade there are practice SAT's. Maybe I'll call in sick that year.

These aprons are twins. Here they are together. I wasn't sure the best way to show them both together, so I folded one and put it on top of the open one. I bought this fabric summer before last (2008), and made aprons for the kids' teachers last year. Those two were a little different from these. But they turned out so fun that I went back for more fabric for their teachers for this year. And this is the result, aprons № 94 & 95 (really, I have made that many -- I'm keeping a list) and two more finishes for April. I've also linked at Sew & Tell Fridays and Finished for Friday. Both of these blogs are great places to find lots of fun projects and inspiration and to show off a bit yourself.


  1. Your aprons are so cute! I love the fabric you've chosen and I am a big fan of rickrack.

    I bought the apple/pear fabric at JoAnn's and haven't made anything yet. Might need to make an apron from it!

  2. There are adorable! The rick rack gives it a playful look that is perfect for a teacher. I made one for my son's teacher last year and she wears it during art time in class. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Just adorable! I'm sure your kids' teachers will be thrilled.

  4. Wow! Great fabrics. I just love your aprons. I bet the teachers do too. Thanks so much for linking up to Finished for Friday! Have a great weekend.

  5. This fabric is perfect! If I was a teacher this would probably be one of my favorite gifts to receive ever, since they can use it for years on end. I know they'll love it!

  6. Oh, I just love these! Aprons are the best, I think. You did a stellar job. I'm sure the teachers are quite pleased.

  7. Once again, that ricrack is adorable!

  8. Pretty cool aprons! I'm sure the teachers love them. Thanks for sharing!

  9. YOur aprons are so fun! It's such a good gift for anyone. I'm sure those teachers will let you out of that homework!


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