
Friday, April 30, 2010

Cool Quilting Tools: EQ7

Generally I am not a patient person. When I'm excited about something I jump in with both feet, as proved by the recent Flora & Fauna Fabric Incident. As I learned, sometimes a delay of a few days (or few months) pays off. Case in point. Santa was seriously considering bringing me EQ6 for Christmas. But he decided against it. And I'm so glad because the latest buzz is the release of EQ7! If you're not familiar with Electronic Quilt software, it is pretty amazing. Zip on over to the EQ site and have a look at all the features EQ7 has!

Here's the really exciting part (thanks for the heads-up Mrs. P!). The folks at EQ are doing a giveaway! The are going to select 10 bloggers to each receive a copy of EQ7 AND to host a giveaways of their own so they can each give a copy of EQ7 to one of their readers. You'll find all the details of how you can enter to be a host blog at the EQ Blog. I would absolutely love to win EQ7, but even better would be the chance to give a copy to one of you. Hosting a giveaway on that scale would be fantastic! I've been hinting at doing a giveaway for ages. I have a couple of things in mind, but they don't even compare to to being able to give a copy of EQ7. Crossing my fingers and hoping that my lucky streak holds out! Winners will be posted on May 3rd, so there's not much time left to enter if you're interested.

1 comment:

  1. And if you get chosen I get to enter your contest to have a chance to win. Yay! I'm all for more chances of getting my hands on a copy of this!


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