
Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Vintage-y Giveaway: And the Winner Is . . .

I would like to thank everyone who entered my giveaway for these pretty milk glass serving plates that belonged to my grandma. I enjoyed reading each of your entries so much and had a really hard time deciding who to give the plates to. Check out the comments and you'll see why. In the end, though, there could only be one winner and I chose JeffnJenna, who said: I believe that your plates would feel very at home in my home. I do not have a whole lot of special things for my kitchen, so the few special things that I do have are extra special for me. I still mourn the loss of a very pretty crystal candy dish that my grandmother gave to me before she passed away. I love the look of your grandmother's relish plates, and would use then with joy! I love deviled eggs, so I would definitely display them proudly on the egg plate, and VEGETABLES are my favorite, so that's what I always serve when such serving is needed. I would be happy to take good care of these plates for you and use them with love, as I would surely love remembering you whenever I use them.

Thank you again to everyone who entered. I'll be having another giveaway soon (I hope) so keep your eyes open.


  1. Congratulations to JeffnJenna. I am sure they will be loved and well used.

    Elizabeth, I made your grandma's meatloaf for dinner last night . COMPLETELY DELICIOUS! Thanks for sharing. Mr. P wants to marry you. I told him you were already taken.

  2. Yeah! That is so cool! I would have picked that one too. ;)

  3. Cooool! I am excited! Thanks for choosing me, Elizabeth (and Angie!). I will treasure these!

  4. Congratulations JeffnJenna!


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