
Monday, June 28, 2010

I Can't Fight With an Eclipse

If you visit my blog very often, you'll know that I'm a Twilight fan. Just a little. The newest movie comes out in just over 26 hours.

Most die-hard fans already have their tickets for the midnight showing somewhere in between June 29 and June 30. But I am not one of those fans. I have tickets for a pre-screening at 4:30 pm tomorrow afternoon. Squee! I'm just a little bit excited. And slightly stunned at the way these tickets presented themselves to me, since I keep my Twilight addiction pretty close to the vest (unless you read my blog).

This movie promises to be the best yet in the saga, with amazing special effects and plenty of action between the vampires and the werewolves, which I will totally love. But what I'm really looking forward to is this:

I am a hopeless romantic. And Bella and Edward's story is a world-class romance.

Mr. Bug is my movie date tomorrow afternoon. I'm a little nervous about that. Because as I just mentioned, I'm totally going for the sappy, romantic, girl stuff. It's not like I haven't watched the other movies with Mr. Bug. I've got Twilight and New Moon on DVD and he's watched both of them with me. But I went to see those movies for the first time with the girls and had a few months to contain my enthusiasm for a fictional character before I saw the movies with Mr. Bug.

It's not like he doesn't know I'm nuts over the books. I read the first one in about three days and then I had to go back and re-read my favorite parts. Then I read the next three books in the next three days. By about the time I reached the end of book 3 I could see Mr. Bug was running out of patience with my vacation from reality. I only slept about three or four hours a night and fed the kids cold cereal for breakfast and dinner so that I could read. About a week after my first time through the books, I read them again. This time Mr. Bug noticed that I wore this goofy grin every time I had my nose in one of the books. I'm positive that I'll be wearing that same goofy grin throughout the movie tomorrow. I'm not sure how to fit that in with Mr. Bug sitting next to me in the theater.

Mr. Bug read the books before I did. He said they were a decent read and thought I would like them, but he's not a romantic in the way that I am so he said that some of the mushy stuff was barely stomachable. I once asked him if he were Team Edward or Team Jacob. He said he was Team Bella, which made me happy because in my head I'm still 17.


  1. I'm impressed that Mr. Bug read the books and that he went to the movie with you yesterday!
    I read those books with the same fervor that you did. I couldn't do much of anything else during that time. Looking back it was such a feverish pleasure reading it for the first time. Not too many books out there like that!

  2. so i saw it again last night and must say that i do like the movie and i will probably learn to love it eventually. the cinematography is amazing; the costumes/make-up is absolutely perfect. i just feel like something is missing and i can't put my finger on it.


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