
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

And the Winners Are . . .

Last Wednesday, in honor of National Pink Day, I posted about my favorite pink things and showed you my latest [pink] finish. I also might have mentioned that I had a few extra of those pink polka-dotted beauties that I wanted to share. I closed the comments on that post today at just after noon today and printed them all out. I already had ready an entry for everyone who followed my blog at the time of that post and tonight we held the drawing. It was old school, an actual drawing, and lots of fun for us. I had LadyBug, Grasshopper and Mr. Bug each pull a name out of the hat. Or bowl. But hat just sounds better. I must pause here to say that I really wish that I had a pretty pink sleep mask for everyone who left a comment. That would have been so much fun!

And now, without further ado the winners are . . .

We were meant to be friends! My dream car for a long time was a pink bug, my hubby reads way into the night and I wish I had a sleep mask and I LOVE PINK! Thanks for the bloggy shoutout. My fave pink thing (among many) was the Pinkalicious Party I went to tonight. My friend had an old pink bike there that I am dying over. Love!
Drawn by LadyBug

OME!!! You KNOW I love pink!!!! That would be too cool to win one of those masks!!! (and you know I follow your blog bc I want to anyways! ;) )

I'm gonna post it on my blog.

As if it couldn't get any pinker (is that a word?) My blog's theme is pinks!! LOL

Drawn by Grasshopper

I love the color pink. I love pink geraniums, pink peonies and any pink flower in general. Pink reminds me of spring.
Drawn by Mr. Bug

The winners have been notified by e-mail, but just in case it went to the spam folder, I'll need your snail mail so I can send you your goodie.

A great big thank you to everyone who stopped by to enter my drawing and especially to those who ready my craptastic stuff all the time.


  1. Hi Elizabeth! Thanks for the comments! Sooooooooo excited Eclipse comes out today in Australia!!!! MUST BOOK TICKETS! :-) Have you seen it yet? x

  2. AAHHH thanks Lizzie!!! Hope you enjoyed Eclipse!

  3. Yay! Thank you, I can't wait to use this beauty :o)

  4. Congratulations winners. How exciting for you all! Isn't Elizabeth the sweetest ?


Thanks for taking the time to comment. It totally makes my day!