
Friday, July 2, 2010

Bee In My Bonnet Pincushion Tutorial and Giveaway

Lori, over at Bee In My Bonnet posted the cutest little pincushions
today, along with the tutorial on how to make them. I've been a follower of Lori's blog for a long time and she always has something pretty going on over there. She's also a Utah girl and is such a neat lady. I absolutely love her work and have three of her patterns, with another two on my wish list. Someday, I'm going to join one of her classes. After seeing these adorable pincushions, I started thinking, hmmmm . . . do I have time to squeeze a trip in to Robert's today? Those would make the cutest gifts {not to mention one would be so cute on my sewing table!}!

Lori is giving one of her pincushions away, so head over to her site for details on how you can win!


  1. Ok, I'm stupid. I thought they were actual chairs at first and kept thinking ...who needs a pincushion THAT big.

    I need more's way too early to think that hard !


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