
Friday, July 16, 2010

Operation Pop-up Window Pirate: Update

A while back, I posted about Blogger's comment options and my personal preference for the Pop-Up Window. I launched a campaign to convert all of blog-kind to Pop-Up Window Pirates, because I like to browse blogs and leave a little comment for the blog owner. The Pop-Up Window is by far the fastest of the three comment options that Blogger offers. Since then, I've been paying attention when I comment and I'm pretty sure there are more Pop-Up Windows than the other two options by quite a margin. Who knew I had such influence in the Blog-isphere?

Thank you to all who have joined the
Pop-Up Window Pirate Crew!

{or already were a Pop-Up Window Pirate and I'm totally taking credit for it now.}

I now follow 72 blogs {five have been added to the list just today!} Ya'll make some cool stuff and say funny things and have adorable children/families/pets. I love to see what you get up to. I also like to comment at each blog at least once a week. Because let's face it, bloggers love comments. I'd like to think I'm practicing the Golden Rule.

I'm posting about this again because I really am grateful to everyone who changed their settings just for me. I also wanted to post for those who may be new here or missed this the first time around. I'd love it if the Pop-Up Window Pirate Crew Members would continue to spread the word. I even made a little bloggy button for you.

Operation Pop-Up Pirate

I've also written up some step-by-step instructions for changing your comment settings. They were specially designed with all types of learners in mind {for those who follow verbal instructions best, read them out loud to yourself} and they will help you to quickly and easily become a Pop-up Window Pirate.

• From your Dashboard, click on the Settings option.

• Under the settings tab, click on the fourth option: Comments.

• In the third heading labeled Comment Form Placement, select Pop Up Window.

• Save your changes {scroll to the bottom of the page} and you're done. You're now officially a Pop-Up Window Pirate. Welcome to the crew, matey.

Yours Humbly,
Elizabeth, King of the Pirates


  1. Surely you're the queen of the pirates...

    Aha me hearties. I'm stealing the button.

  2. Sniff. I don't pop up, but I don't make you verify either. ;-)

  3. Hey Elizabeth, thanks for posting about this (again) because I prefer the pop-up option so I can resort back to the post to make sure I comment on everything I love!! And I do like the photos of your kiddies - their names are adorable!


  4. Easier than I thought! I am now a Pop-up girl! Thanks


Thanks for taking the time to comment. It totally makes my day!