
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Frolic Finishes

It has been forever since I got my Frolic jelly roll in the mail and it has been calling to me non-stop since it arrived. It has also been forever since I've been wanting to make myself an Abbey Bag. I bought fabric for it like last September and it has been sitting cut out since then. I made one for Iris clear back in January and always meant to get to one for myself, but just never made the time. So, while I've been procrastinating strategically planning the machine quilting for the snowball quilt I'm making for my sister for her wedding {which is in 16 days. I'm starting to panic a little} I decided that I was going to use my beautiful Frolic fabrics for an Abbey Bag instead of what I already had cut out. I totally it.

I have also been wanting to make an ironing board cover for a while now. But I haven't been able to find that pretty apples and pears fabric in the stores when I go in lately {I know, I know. I could order on-line. I just gave you the link. But I hate to pay shipping, so I'm holding out for it to come back in stock at the store}. So I started thinking how awesome it would be to have a cover for my little tabletop ironing board in Frolic to match my new Abbey Bag.

It totally needed it. The only problem is, I can't decide which side I want to use first.

For the reversible ironing board cover, I used a combination of two tutorials, one from Stop Staring and Start Sewing {I like her philosophy} and the other from Amy's Creative Side, along with a few tweaks of my own. In order to make the cover washable and prevent it from shrinking, I washed and dried all the fabrics before starting. I also soaked the batting {Warm and Natural} in hot water and then squished the water out of it first by hand {being careful not to wring it} and then I rolled it in a towel to get as much water out of it as I could before I put it in the dryer. I worried that I'd end up with a dryer full of lint, but the batting came out just fine. Amy said she used two layers of batting in her cover, but that just didn't seem fluffy enough for me, so I went with three. I use this board a lot, so I think it will be worth it. When I do my big ironing board {if I can ever find some more of that apples and pears fabric}, I'll only do two layers of batting.

For my pattern, I pulled the old cover off and used that to cut out the new cover. I also pulled the tie cord that was in the old cover out and saved it to use in the new cover. My binding is 1¼" wide, single fold. I sewed it on and then laid the cord inside the binding and sewed it closed, saving myself a bit of trouble threading the cord through the binding. I think the binding is the cutest part of the cover, but nobody gets to see it.

Hooray! Two more finishes for July! I've linked up at a couple of fun blogs.

While I had my jelly roll out, I put together this quilt top using a super easy tutorial for jelly rolls at Piece 'n Quilt. Natalia also has a shop and she's got Frolic in stock. As a matter of fact, I got some of my yardage from her. Thanks Natalia! The top still needs some giant rick-rack between the pieced part and the solid fabric, but I won't put it on until I quilt it. I think I'll go with chocolate brown. Or, perhaps a cream colored. I'll have to see what I like when I get to the store.

I was really on a roll {pun totally intended} and I put together the outside of a tote bag. I used the tutorial that Rachel over at p.s. i quilt put together for a little friendship bag. Since I was working with a jelly roll instead of a honey bun, I increased the size of my pieces by double so my bag won't be short and fat.

I also put together a patchwork for a scripture cover for myself, like the ones I made for the Little Bugs.

I even have some left over strips that I will piece together some way or another with the left-over bits of yardage. I'm thinking perhaps four-patches placed in nine-patches with yardage. I'm not sure yet.

In any case, I'm so excited to have a couple of cute Frolic things finished and a few more cute Frolic things to look forward to!


  1. You have been busy! I love the Magic baby quilt in frolic! DARLING! Also I love, love, love the pincushion, I want one just like that!!! :)

  2. the pin cushion is soooo cute! i adore Frolic; it's so bright and cheerful. and you certainly got your money worth on this!

  3. I just book marked that jelly roll quilt because it looks so darn easy...

    And if I buy any more fabric Mr. p will divorce me...but that frloic does look so pretty...

  4. wow.
    you've been quite the busy bee.
    everything looks great.

  5. Love Frolic, love the Abbey Bag, love the ironing board cover ... just love it all!!

  6. Pretty, pretty Abbey Bag and ironing board cover! Boy, do I need a new ironing board cover!

  7. The mini-ironing board cover is adorable in that fabric, as is everything you have here today. Just picked up a little ironing board this past week that needs a different cover, so this was very timely. Thanks for the links. That Frolic fabric sure is fun looking!

  8. Found your blog after looking at Mrs. P. You have been a busy girl! I love the pin cushion thing. I have been wanting to make one. I will have to put it on my list .... # 151.

    Will be following you to see what else you come up with!

  9. I'm so jealous! My ironing board cover looks brownish, and somewhat scorched and yours is sooo pretty! Love the abbey bag too. Actually, I love everything you've made! I'm not one who usually goes in for sets of fabric, but I really do like that Frolic combo you've used. So cheery!

  10. this organizer is such a great idea... you were on a roll. great finishes.

  11. Wow, those are lovely finishes! You have been productive.

    Thanks for visiting my Sew and Tell post, and the lovely comment.

  12. Holy Frolic's Batman!

    So I saw that Apples and Pears at Joann's in Orem last week. If you are still looking, and are going to be over that way say like, tomorrow, I bet they'd still have some :o) Or, I've got a small stack in my stash. I kind of have a thing for pears.

  13. I love all your projects! And timely for me. I must make a new IBC today. Thanks for sharing. Happy Sewing :o)

  14. You are having some fun with really fun fabric. Everything looks so great!

  15. love the coordinated sewing things you've got there! The pincushion is especially nice. :)

  16. You are busy. I think the pincushion is just darling! Thanks for the reminder, I also have to recover my ironing board.

  17. Oh my goodness, those are so cute!

  18. Love, love, love...sending lots of LOVE your way (loving your projects!...and you, of course : )). I do love the scripture cover the best, that's my favorite thing I've seen today. You must be the coolest scripture-carrier in the church on Sundays. Love ya!

  19. Holy crow, have you had any sleep in the last two weeks?! =D Everything is so adorable!!!!


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