
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Snowball Night: Week 9

If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done.
. . . We interrupt this regularly scheduled Snowball Night update with the following announcement. . .
Owing to the fact that I need to make this:
into six little vests for my sister's wedding on Saturday, I haven't started work on my second snowball quilt. I'm itching to get to it though, along with several other neglected projects.

I've made pretty good progress on the vests and hope to have them finished tomorrow afternoon because I have the crazy idea in my head that I want to make skirts for my sister and me {my twin-ten-years-younger is the matron of honor, so she gets a dress already and obviously the sister getting married will be the one in the big white dress, so there are two of us who aren't getting new clothes for the party. And my brother's wife, who is hugely pregnant also isn't getting something new, so I'm thinking of making her something too. I know. My OCD :crazy: is showing.}.

All laid out like this, they are looking a little Osmondesque. Some rhinestones and a few singing lessons and we could take it on the road.


  1. You are one busy lady! That skirt you are thinking of making is cute. I have had my eye on it as well. That Osmond remark about the vests is hysterical. Isn't it funny if we look at clothes outside the wedding setting that are made for a wedding, we get a whole different viewpoint! Seriously, your handiwork is amazing.

  2. The vests are really coming along--but thinking of having to get them all done before the end of the week just makes me shudder. And you crazy lady (I mean that in the nicest way! ;-) ) are thinking of adding to your sewing to-do list before Saturday?

  3. you are nuts; i love it lol!! and it is totally something i would do too.

    good luck!!!

  4. Wow, that's crazy girl!!! Though I must say, I've never seen the Osmond guys in purple....

  5. Good luck this week. I hope you are able to get the skirts done...there's just something about weddings and needing to wear something new. It's a must! Good luck!

  6. Wow girl, do you ever sleep? That's a lot of projects to do by Saturday! The vests are looking cute.

  7. totally osmond-esque! :)
    i don't really get what "snowball night" is ... even though i clicked on the link ... (?)

  8. You definitely have mad mad sewing skills! YOu are fast and good. I would have had to do this a year in advance!

  9. Ok you are just crazy , but in a totally good and creative way.

    (I'm not doing so well on the snowball thingy lately for obvious reasons.)


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