
Saturday, September 4, 2010

National Sewing Month

I love sewing and have plenty of material witnesses. -Unknown

You may have heard. September is National Sewing Month. A month devoted to sewing all day, every day? Oh yes. I'm totally on board with that :clap:. I haven't checked into it, but I'm assuming that the people in charge will be sending someone out to take care of the cooking and cleaning while I enjoy my month of non-stop sewing.

I've made a list of things I'd like to accomplish this month. Wanna see? Great :biggrin:! I knew you would. Here we go:

• Finish satin edged fleece blanket for new nehpew, born 6/30.
{Cut, pinned and ready to sew.}
• Bind flannel and minkee patchwork squares baby quilt for new nephew, born 9/1.
{Currently at the quilters. Anyone ever use minkee for binding? Tips, please?}
• Assemble, quilt and bind nine-patch quilt in Frolic for most amazing neighbor/friend/woman/mother ever, baby girl due 9/30.
{Current obsession. Quilt top started thursday night and is this close to finished.}
• Assemble Pinwheel Sampler quilt top.
{Seven more seams and it will be all together.}
• Assemble Rainbow Sherbet Snowball quilt top.
{Blocks are ready to be laid out on the living room floor design wall and then stacked for sewing together.}
• Keep current with the Chubby Stars Quilt Along.
{Focus snowball fabric picked and ready to be sewn, waiting for JoAnn's coupons to become valid so I can buy solids for the background and star points, need supplemental fabrics for snowball blocks and chain blocks.}
• Keep current with the Free Motion Quilt Along.
{Need to piece easy quilt top and pin baste it, prepare practice pad and practice stitching.}
• Catch up on Cat's Twilight Mystery Block of the Month.
{Two of seven blocks finished. Actually, I think another block was released this weekend. Lots of catch-up work to do here!}
• Make 1 Apron.
{Fabrics washed and pressed, ruffle and pocket cut and waiting for the rest to be cut.}
• Make 1 Abbey Bag.
{Outside of the bag complete, need to pick the rest of the fabrics for it from stash and cut them.}

That is quite a list, no? But since someone from the National Sewing Month committee is coming to take over the chores, I can whip through it, easy peasy. There is only one problem. This morning Grace threw a little tantrum and refuses to sew another stitch. She insists that I take her in for a good servicing before she'll do another thing for me. I suppose she'll get her way {which leads me to wonder what would happen if I refused to do any housework until I got a day at the spa :confused:}, unless I decide to teach her a lesson and replace her with her big sister, Elizabeth {how cool would that be to have a machine named after me?}.

I've had Grace for a year and a half now, and I love her. She replaced the old Singer I got for my 17th birthday {went halvsies with my parents for it} and with all the fancy features she came with it was like going from Bella's Truck to the Mercedes Edward bought her as an engagement present {yeah, I know :rolleyes:. I've been telling it for a year and a half now and I'm the only one who thinks that joke is funny}. She's a great machine and I take good care of her. I dust every time I wind a bobbin and in between every project. I checked the manual for instructions on how to oil her, and the only thing it said about that was where not to oil her. So, every once in a while I drop some in the holes in the face plate. But since I sew every day, it is time to take her in to be oiled in all those tricky places that only the machine repair man knows about. The dealership where I bought her sends all the machines to the dealer in Salt Lake. Pick-ups and deliveries are on Wednesdays. I'll miss her. A lot.

Since I'll be without Grace for a minimum of 12 days, this is my revised National Sewing Month to-do list:
• Fall garden clean-up {it's a little early, I know, but you gotta roll with the punches}
• Clean out the fridge and freezer
• Organize pantry/laundry room
• Clean living room carpets
• Organize and de-junk toy area
• Organize and de-clutter the Little Bugs' bedrooms


  1. Grace probably went out in protest at the thought of all that sewing!

    Sewing all day every day sounds like fun though doesnt it? Your amended list doesnt sound anywhere near as fun as your first one.

    Hoping Grace makes a speedy recovery.

  2. So sorry to hear Grace had a meltdown. Hopefully she'll be all ready to work again after a little R&R at the shop.

    Quite an ambitious list(s) you have going there! Good luck with everything you want to accomplish!

  3. So sorry Grace has become a fuss-budget. :-(

    Both lists are so ambitious. Yet, if all goes well, my list goes like this: pack a box, pack another box, pack another box, pack another box ad infinitum.

  4. Well, it looks like you've got your work cut out for your for October? I hope she gets back much sooner than 12 days. I think I would go nuts without a machine for that long!

  5. This is why I keep putting off having my machine serviced; I hate being without it.


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