Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Civil War Reproduction Fabrics: A Giveaway

Good friends are like quilts — they age with you yet never lose their warmth. –Unknown

I have this wonderful friend, Wanda. She's been organizing her quilting things and giving away things that she knows she's not going to use. She's put together this lovely pack of Civil War Reproduction Fabrics. Most of these are ¼-yard cuts, but there are a few fat quarters and a couple of bigger pieces. In all, there are over 10½ yards of fabric here! To tie it all together, Wanda has included this really amazing book, The Civil War Diary Quilt, with blocks and stories from the Civil War. The book gives several different layouts using just a handful of blocks in the book for smaller projects, or all 121 blocks for a large quilt. Wanda wants this fun little collection to go to someone who will use it, so we're giving it away here in honor of National Quilting Day, which is this coming Saturday, March 19th.

• To enter, leave a comment telling me what you're planning to do on National Quilting Day OR about a sweet friend who has touched your life OR what you'd do with this fabric.
• For a second entry, post about our giveaway on your blog. After you post on your blog, leave a separate comment with a link to your post.
• Non-blogging and international entrants are welcome. If you do not have a Google account, use the name/url or anonymous commenting options and make sure you leave me a way to contact you if you win.
• Duplicate posts or comments with no contact information will be deleted.
• The giveaway will close at 11:30 pm {MDST} on Friday, March 18th. The winner will be chosen by random drawing and announced by noon on Saturday, March 19th.


Charlotte said...

I would use the fabrics to make a quilt for my wonderful Aunt for her birthday, to inspire the bedroom she's planning to decorate in her new house.

Gantt Clan said...

I have a wonderful friend who is an avid quilter. She would love to have this fabric. She even has her own quilting machine. I love reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

That's absolute wonderful!
It is fantastic. I will spend the day dreaming about this NEW project that has been on my list!!!
Thank you for the opportunity

Diane N said...

I would use the fabric to make a quilt for myself using the blocks from the book! I've only made a couple quilts...but never for myself!

Brenda said...

What a generous friend you have. I hope to spend the day piecing my Eventide quilt. I would love to dedicate the whole day to sewing but life may have other ideas.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

On saturday I am getting together with a very good friend that is just starting to quilt to help teach her a lot of tricks of the trade. We are also going to the local quilt shop.

Lee said...

I would love to make a quilt out of it for my best friend - she is currently in the hospital and will be recouping at home! thanks !

Shay said...

Those fabrics are just gorgeous and this giveaway is very generous.

Someone I know finished a civil war quilt on Sunday and blogged about it and I loved it. Little plans have been floating in my brain about making one ever since. I think your giveaway is telling me I should go for it and make one. Of course if I won this stack of yummy fabric and the book that would make it easier!

National Quilting Day will see me fabric shopping with Sara from Lone Sock Productions. I may also start something new since I'm practically projectless at the moment (4 other quilts counts as projectless in this house )I completely missed NQD last year!

Good luck to all the entrants and thanks for hosting this giveaway Elizabeth and Wanda.

Shay said...

OK...I blogged about it .I also told everyone I'm going to win! I am keeping everything crossed until Saturday which is probably not good for my circulation. See how committed I am ?


Quiet Quilter said...

Probably I will be spending the 19th getting ready for my Featherweight Mechanics course the next day..if I have time, I'll continue cleaning/sorting my sewing room in anticipation of quilting!

Quiet Quilter said...

I have scheduled the post about your giveaway on my blog for tomorrow...I am having a short-term giveaway there today and don't want to get everyone confused..but it will be there at 1:00am CST...

Bridget B said...

On Natioal Quilting day our local LQS always has a program and I like to go to that. Sometimes they have a local featured quilter. www.grannyquilts.blogspot.com

Oh Sew Addicted said...

I would love to win the fabrics for the civil war quilt I am working on.They would compliment the fabrics I have bought already!!!
carla louise

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hi Elizabeth...nice to meet you...please include me in your wonderful giveaway...i would use these fabrics to make a block a week from Barbra Brackman's blog for a Civil War Quilt...
I see that you are a Ravenclaw too...
from Dzintra who is now using her first name instead of Ingrid which is my middlename...
Thanks for a great giveaway

Sara said...

On the 19th I'll be shopping up a storm with Shay from Quilting in my Pajamas. If I win I'll probably give most of them to her, since the silly lady decided to cut back on her fabric shopping, and I don't want her stash to get empty :)

Meri said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! If I won I'd be making a quilt for a friend with it.
I think I'll be working on a hand project on the 19th.

Sarcastic Quilter said...

Wow, on nat. Quilt day, I'll actually be watching basketball and sewing up a storm. If I were lucky enough to win this, I'd jump start my own Civil War quilt, which I've been reluctantly putting off until I finish some UFOs. :)

Sarah Craig said...

On National Quilting Day I'll be hosting 15-20 members of our church's quilt ministry as we celebrate, quilt, and eat!! Is there anything better?

Penny said...

I've been seeing Civil War Blocks while blog hopping. I would love to win this and make those blocks myself. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I have heard about Civil War fabrics, but never looked at them until I was involved in a swap. I fell in love. I recently found out about a Battered Women's Shelter in our town and they are in need of quilts. I and some other women from my quilt club agreed to make some. I would share the fabric with my group and pass them on to needing women and children.

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

What a wonderful set of fabrics and great book - I would love to win this to give to my mother who just loves Civil War fabrics and patterns. I am planning on making the NQA quilt for National Quilting Day - it will probably be a weekend project. I have made the last 3 (marks my time quilting), so it is keeping up the tradition.

Helen McNaught @ AuntyHennys said...

Wow! great give-away!! I'm doing the Civil War Quilt weekly quilt-along, so the fabric would be very handy!

I recently met a young Japanese student living here in Brisbane and I happened to be carrying one of my handmade bags. She really loved my bag and asked if I sold them. I told her "No, but I will make you one". We exchanged email addresses and about a week later I contacted her to say the bag was ready. The day before this, the terrible earthquake had hit Japan. My new friend was obviously very upset, but we made our plans to meet for tea and I gave her the bag plus a couple of other handmade items I had made to go with the bag. Tears of joy came from her eyes and she told me that her heart had been breaking with worry about her family and friends, but just before she had arrived to meet with me, she had heard that everyone was safe and well. My making the bag and gifts for her had lightened her heart and given her a wonderful day. I somehow feel that we were meant to meet. My sewing was the thing that brought us together and now we will be good friends during her stay here.

Thanks for the chance to win this lovely fabric!

Elsina said...

What awesome fabrics! I would use them on a tablerunner I am planning to make for our new diningroom (we are renovating right now). Don't have enough fabrics yet as the nice ones are hard to find where I live.

Elsina said...

I have posted this at my blog sidebar too at http://emsarts.blogspot.com/

Larri said...

What a lovely giveaway! Mrs. P over at QIMP is my inspiration for quilting. She makes such fabulous quilts, that I always think I want to give it a try. If I win, I'm sending the fabric to her. :o)

PS...Down in the Deep South, we refer to the Civil War as "the War Between the States" or "the War of Northern Aggression" ;o)

Happy Wednesday! :o)

Jocelyn said...

What a generous giveaway! I have been collecting fabrics to make a pattern called Elizabeth by Miss Rosie's Quilts. I saw this pattern made up in a quilt store in all Civil War fabrics, and it is fabulous. But being a rather large quilt with an assortment of fabrics meant that I needed to start gathering up many different CW prints. I'd love to add these fabrics to make this amazing quilt. Thanks!

Angie said...

For National Quilt day our guild takes quilts we have made to the hospital for sick kids. It is quite touching.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I would love to give that fabric a new home and would create some mini quilts with it. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

Angie said...

And I blogged:


Deb said...

I'm new here...found a link on someone's sidebar, and the post title Civil War caught my eye. I'd love to win the fabrics, and I'd definitely use them for a quilt. The book is a great extra added in! Not sure what i'm doing for Nat'l Quilting Day...the original plan was shopping at Costco, but that's certainly not celebrating quilting! So I might have to make a stop by our LQS on the way doing errands!

Aimee said...

Pretty. If I won, I'd likely whip up some of the blocks in the book with it.
I had no idea Saturday was National Quilting Day. I have lots of blocks to get done for a quilt I'm currently working on, so I'll be doing that Saturday.

tpott said...

If I were lucky enough to win, I'd start making my own Civil War quilt. I love the colors! I'm in the mood to start a quilt with Civil War fabrics, ever since I finished The Union Quilters, by Jennifer Chiaverini. Great series of books if you've never read them. Thank you for the generous chance to win. ;>

Anonymous said...



Kim said...

On Sat. I will be attending my church's annual meeting. We will be gathering items needed for the local women's shelter. Later in the evening I will be delivering dinner to a new mom. Hopefully I can squeeze in some sewing.
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.

Paulette said...

I know so little about Civil War era quilts, but I'm curious, so what I'd do is read the book and then make a couple small projects with those lovely fabrics. Probably share it with my sister, too, because I think this might be right up her alley.

quiltzyx said...

For National Quilting Day Saturday, I'll be up early finishing up a quilt top that will be used to raise funds for mental health awareness, via a new foundation my friends set up to honor their son.

As for these Civil War fabrics, I would love to give them to my friend Marilyn, who has just started collected CW fabs to make a quilt for her DIL!

Thanks for the chance!

Rhonda the Rambler said...

For National Quilting Day I plan on doing a whole lotta nothing...unless you count spending the day in my studio. My plan (as it stands right now) is to laze around in lazy clothes and enjoy the day my way in my space. LOOOOVVVEEE days like that.

Diane E W said...

This National Quilt day I plan on getting together with a group of ladies and make charity quilts for their church.

Diane E W said...

Just posted your giveaway on my blog http://dewquilting.blogspot.com

Jackie said...

On National Quilting Day, I'll be doing just that - quilting a quilt for a friend. And working on a couple of WIP's! Thanks for the giveaway!


Deborah in Atlanta said...

Those are the type of fabrics my mother loves. She's bedridden, so I'd make her a quilt with these beauties. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I will home sewing on National Quilting Day.....what else!!! We have to celebrate....grin.

Billie in TX

Anonymous said...

I'm going to be hooked up quilting, via video with my sis, across the US from SC to Los Angeles....it is she who gifted me with supplies I needed to start quilting, when I stopped sewing clothing and play costumes for my three kiddos! (When they get to a certain age, they're embarrassed by all that!) I would give her the fabric, after I read the book! LOL
Jacque in SC

Anne said...

On National Quilting Day, I will celebrate by making a quilted table runner from a kit. I have been hankering to get it done!

How generous of Wanda to pass along some of her treasured fabrics and a book! I have a friend named Wanda who is very special to me. Wanda befriended my late mother over 50 years ago. When my mother had to undergo two surgeries shortly after I was born, Wanda kept me for weeks while my mother recovered. Wanda is like a second mother to me.

Shortly after my mother's funeral in 1995, I was visiting with Wanda and happened to mention my love for vintage lamps that are shaped like a tall vase and embellished with hand-painted roses. A few weeks later, Wanda brought me the most gorgeous vintage lamp. This exquisite lamp had belonged to her and was just like the one I had described! I call it my "Wanda lamp." It reminds me every day of a very special woman who has always supported me and loved me like I was one of her own.

Anonymous said...

If I won this, I would gift it to my sister. This is definately up her alley!

Alex (PinkCraftyMama) said...

I'm collecting as many different CW fabrics so I can start my Dear Jane quilt so this would be perfect for me! Thank you for such a generous giveaway

Alex (PinkCraftyMama) said...

I blogged about your fantastic giveaway! http://insane-about-jane.blogspot.com/2011/03/awesome-giveaway.html

Mary Ann said...

This totally makes my day! I LOVE Civil War reproduction fabrics and am currently making the Civil War Chronicles quilt! I would use these reproduction fabrics (I'm a new quilter without a stash) to create a dresser runner and two shams for our bed to go with the CWC quilt. Thanks!! Please visit my blog at http://www.rocknquilts.blogspot.com
Mary Ann at rocknquilts

Peach Rainbow said...

I have never made any civil war blocks - so I might try to make some blocks from the book with those fabric :D
Thanks for the chance!

natsy said...

After the devastating floods in Queensland and Victoria, I was googling and found a blog of a lovely lady in Victoria who was making up quilts to send out to flood victims.
Her beautiful and giving blog got me thinking about what I could do to help. So, I started collecting fabrics to make into quilts to send off, and so far have made up 3 quilts ready to go, along with a stash builder pack and a baby quilt panel to send off to a fellow quilter who has lost everything.
If I was to win this giveaway, I would use the fabric to make up yet another quilt to send off to brighten somebody's day in the flood ravaged areas, as we all know that it's the little touches that make a house a happy home.

Lisa said...

With these fabrics I would make something for my mother, the sweet person you talked about is definately her. I just had a miscarriage, and she drove the 4+ hours in the middle of the night to get here to help me. She's been taking care of my three children, cooking meals, laundry, cleaning; and all that I can't do right now. Mother's Day is coming up so this would be perfect. =)

liz said...

I make every day a National Quilting Day, so I suppose it will be no different from any other day.

My first action with the fabric will be to stroke it, lovingly. I love civil war fabric. After that I will probably cut it all up. Scrappy is my favourite type of quilt/ Thanks for the generous giveaway.

Sunnybec said...

I started reading your post and thinking wow how lovely, thinking this would not be open to International entries....but it is!!! Thank you so much for the chance to win this I love Civil War fabrics. I have a lovely BFF in Canada who has helped me so much with my quilting and blogging I only started quilting in August and blogging in October last year but I feel we have been friends for years. I am so glad I am part of this community. Hugs Linda

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I included your giveaway in my post today:

And this would be . . . . said...

On national quilting day, I will be taking my oldest to curling at 8 AM, the youngest to soccer in the after and then plan on going out with girlfriends to a fundraiser. Not sure if any quilting will get done that day.

Now the day before (March 18th) I will be participating in Friday Night Sew In!

Michele T said...

Love this fabric line - thanks for having this sweet giveaway!! My plans on National Quilting Day is to complete a lap quilt. If I won I would make a lap quilt for my DH who is turning 60 at the end of July!! Thanks!

Sue Daurio said...

I would make a gorgeous civil war quilt if I had that fabric. The fabrics are so lovely. I've wanted to make one for my brother in law is an avid civil war buff. That with a short story on the blocks would make a wonderful history lesson for him. The part of the civil war that I'm fairly certain he hasn't paid a lot of attention to.

Becky said...

What a fabulous giveaway!!!!! I'm making it Natioinal Sewing Day Weekend! I'm sewing with friends Friday afternoon and Saturday. I'm sewing on my Eventide quilt by Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. Sunday, I'll make a quick trip to my LQS for the Sunday Block of the Month. Can't wait to see the new block. Thank you for adding to the celebration of NQD! Have a great weekend!

Melissa Corry said...

These are such beautiful prints!! I plan to be quilting up a twin size quilt on National Quilting Day. My shoulder will be sore :)

Leslie's Itchin to be Stitchin said...

What a wonderful giveaway, I love civil war prints. I'm spending Saturday the 19th "quilting" of course.

Needled Mom said...

Those fabrics are fabulous. I am working on the CW quiltalong and I could really use them as they are not fabrics that I have in my stash.

Sallie said...

Hopefully, I'll be sewing on Saturday! I love Civil War fabrics! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! I hope I win :)

Sallie said...

I blogged about your giveaway at http://salliessampler.blogspot.com/2011/03/i-would-love-to-win-this.html

krisgray said...

I have already decided that if I win blocks at my guild or more fabric, that it will go toward a quilt for charity. My guild is doing a Civil War BOM (I'm doing a mini size) and I've just started gathering CW fabrics, so I could put them all together for a larger top. I almost bought this book for my grandma - thought she'd enjoy reading and looking through the patterns.

Mommarock said...

National Quilting day.. well I'll be quilting of course! I'm working away on my hexagon quilt.. determined to get her done.. I very much enjoy doing it. I just REALLY want to put it all together, and get to the quilting!! I want to see her coming together :)

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

I have been wanting to make the civil war blocks on Barbara Brackman's blog, but I'm very short on fabrics, so this would be quite wonderful! Thanks so much for the chance.

quiltma said...

For National quilting day I will be quilting and getting ready for a retreat.
I would love to win your giveaway because I'm just now starting to work with Civil War patterns and fabrics and I LOVE THEM!

Alina said...

I probably will use the fabric to make a quilt for my mom. She will love it. Thanks for the chance.

Alina said...

Just blogged the giveaway.


robin said...

A sweet friend who has touched my life? That would be Ginny - my best friend when I was growing up. She's always there for me. :)

Linda in Arkansas said...

I've been looking at Civil War Quilts blog and wanting to make a civil war quilt - but I live in a place with no civil war fabric and don't have the money for at anyway. So I've been dreaming about it and today I found your blog about it. I would LOVE to win. And I was thinking about getting the book you show too.

Christine M said...

I hadn't hear of National Quilting Day before. I'm getting ready to start a civil war quilt and this fabric would be a lovely addition to what I have already collected. I think I really should spend the day quilting on Saturday instead of doing house chores!

Linda in Arkansas said...

Thanks so much for the give-a-way! I've blogged about it - this is so exciting!!!

Colleen said...

I am planning to make a civil war quilt this year. I love the fabric she is giving away. Thank you.

Colleen said...

I have posted about your give away on my blog:


Laura said...

I have been meeting with a group of quilting friends once a month for almost 6 years. We are getting together Saturday - what a great way to spend National Quilting Day! I love Civil War fabrics, and this looks like a great quilt.

Nancy said...

I have become such a civil war fabric junkie... and have at least 3 patterns I can use it all in. I love scrappy quilts and the CW prints really set them off.. reminds me of utility quilts.

Thanks so much for hosting this,


Nancy said...

Just posted about the giveaway.


Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

The first thing I'm doing on NQD is going to the LQS to get some more background for my current project. I'd love to win this giveaway -- I would make a quilt for ME for a change!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go to a quilt store on National Quilting Day and then come home and work on a quilt.

If I win this fabric I would make a churn dash quilt.


Shirley said...

The civil war fabric would make a wonderful and masculine quilt for my husbaand, his first. The reason I would chose him is he served in the army at Vietnam during the 60's. Often I think of the challenges servicemen and women endure daily, the difficult culture, horrid weather and the absolutely awful scenes they witness! I tresure him, his patriotism and I feel confident he would treasure the quilt!

Linda said...

OMG! What a wonderful giveaway. I would love to add these CW fabrics to the new shirtings I have ordered. Thanks for the chance.

Karen said...

I am going to a quilt shop. I would use the civil war fabric to my bestest friend a quilt because she loves civil war fabric.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Andra Gayle said...

well, if Saturday is National Quilting Day, I will obviously be quilting! I have tons of UFOs to work on.


Those fabrics are lovely. I probably do a sampler such as "the underground railroad quilt" I plan to be sewing on UFO's Saturday.


Kathy said...

My quilt guild is going to have a Sew-In retreat day on Saturday, so I'm going to start a new quilt. Pieces are going to be cut tomorrow, and then I can sit and sew all day Saturday. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

Joanne said...

Fabulous giveaway!!
On NQD I am planning on seeing how much of a quilt I can make in a day - starting Sunday morning - just as a challenge to myself with an easy layer cake quilt. Should be fun!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Wow! I love the CW era quilts I've seen and have been dreaming of making my own~ I would definitely put these great fabrics to use! And reading the diary would wonderful. On Saturday I hope to sew. :-) Thank you for the generous giveaway!

Joanne said...

I have mentioned the giveaway on my blog.♥

Barbara said...

I will be attending Thimbleberries Club at my local quilt shop on Saturday. I love spending time with my quilting friends and being inspired by all their finished projects!

Dj said...

I would probably use the fabric to make the Civil War Quilt. I've had my eye on it for a while.

BeachQuilter said...

On National Quilt day I'll be celebrating my granddaughter's 3 birthday but I plan sneaking off to one of the nearby quilt shops and do a little celebrating there too!

Amy said...

Oh wow; my jaw dropped at this giveaway. Amazing!

This Saturday, I hope to finish a quilt that was designed by one of my Math 8 students to that it can be hung in the classroom at the change of the quarter.

Adele said...

I am working unfortunately on National Quilt Day ! But would love to win !

Colleen said...

I would use the Civil War fabrics on a sampler quilt. On March 28 I am privileged to take a class from Marsha McCloskey. We will learn to piece a feathered star block. I would use the feathered star block in a center medallion surrounded by pieced borders, with civil war sampler blocks around the medallion to create a quilt the size I want. I have some fabrics to use for the feathered star and hope to win these lovely fabrics and the book!

barncow said...

I have to work on Nat. Quilt day. If I won the fabric I would have to fondle it for a week or two while I looked at the book a few hundred times.Then I would have to cut it up to make a quilt.

Dresden Quilter said...

I am hoping to do some fabric shopping and quilting on National Quilt Day. Thanks for the giveaway.

Scrappy quilter said...

What a wonderful giveaway. For national quilting day I'll be working on my civil war quilt. Thanks for doing this.

Anonymous said...

I have 12 nieces and nephews I want to make quilts for. I have completed 3 of the 12. Next up is my 22 year old nephew and when I asked him what style he wanted, he requested an "old" quilt. After further discussion on the definition of old, I discovered he wanted a quilt "done like Civil War quilts." So out of my comfort zone -- I am a "bright" person and have never used civil war reproduction fabrics before. So I will squeeze in looking for fabrics and patterns for that time period, and maybe a little quilting if I find them. LOL!!


Joyful Quilter said...

I just recently became interested in civil war fabrics and now I'm addicted. Winning would help my poor little CW stash blossom.

Julie said...

I am going to the quilt show at Bulloch Hall in Roswell, Georgia, for National Quilting Day. I also plan to visit Little Quilts and Red Hen in Marietta. I can't wait.

Julie said...

I posted on my blog, so enter me again. :0) And thanks for having such a great giveaway.

Hilachas said...

On National Quilting Day, I will be visiting my son. I would also like to be winning your fabulous and generous giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.

WoolenSails said...

I will be quilting, as I do everyday.
I have a friend who got me back into quilting and primitive style, who has sent me fabrics and patterns, so I could have a stash without too much expense. I love those fabrics and can't believe Wanda won't use them, they would make a beautiful quilt.


Northern Deb said...

I love these fabrics... they're SO pretty. If I won them I'd make a civil war sampler quilt.

Miki Willa said...

On Saturday, I am going to visit Sister's Quilt Shop in Chehalis, WA with a quilting buddy. I would love to have this fabric to make a Civil War block quilt.

Vivian said...

On National Quilting Day, I plan to work on a Double Wedding Ring quilt I am making for my son and his fiance. I have been wanting to make a civil war quilt but do not have any civil war repro fabric. So I would love to be a winner.

bingo~bonnie said...

*Sigh* This Saturday I'll be dreaming of being home and quilting... This is our first year for playing ball and my daughter's Softball season has had her on the road every weekend for 3 weeks... and this Saturday is OPENING day for my 3 yr. old twins T-Ball. :) That will be so fun to watch I'm betting.

What a wonderful prize up for grabs!!! Lovely collection of CW fabrics! and a BOOK TOO! AWESOME friend you have to share some stash with your readers! :)

I have a friend in WA that I swapped blocks with last year and we've not started yet - but have been talking about doing another block swap between us and doing them in CW fabrics. These beauts would be a great variety of colors to get me started on blocks :)

Happy Weekend & Love from Texas! ~bonnie

Heirlooms by Ashton House said...

I would love to use the fabrics to make some doll quilts. When it comes to quilting, I love a scrappy look and this wonderful assortment would certainly help create it.

corina said...

What a great giveaway! I have a friend who is getting married. She's a newbie quilter and loves Civil War Quilts. If I win, i will make her a quilt for her wedding.

quiltmom anna said...

Elizabeth/ Wanda,
I think I will work on my father's quilt on Saturday to celebrate National Quilt Day. I think the fabrics are pretty- I had not seen such lovely colors in Civil War fabrics. The book looks so interesting and I am a big fan of period piece stories. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a nice prize.

Ruth said...

For National Quilting Day, I will be traveling to visit one of my sons and family. I love reproductions and could use more in my stash!

bingo~bonnie said...

Ta-Da!!! Here's my post... come take a look :)


Love from Texas! ~bonnie

Janet said...

I'll spend half the day sewing with a group of women in my home town. Perfect for National quilting day. Thanks for a chance at a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! how generous, I'd love to make some of those blocks from the book into a quilt from those glorious fabrics, cheers, Debs.

antique quilter said...

what an amazing giveaway!
I love reproduction fabrics and well love that quilt!
I would use those fabrics to make lots of blocks for the CWD quilt and many other quilts!
thank you this is very generous and would be an amazing box of fabrics to come live with me!
I plan on spending National Quilting Day working on a baby quilt and make a few star blocks for quilts of valor to donate.

Jane said...

Oh what a lovely collection of fabric. I've seen some lovely civil war quilts going around at the moment, and this would be perfect to do one of my own. Saturday will, hopefully, see me at the sewing machine making some scented hanging sachets for my neighbour

Carla G said...

That fabric is gorgeous! On National Quilting Day I'm hoping to get the rest of my fabric cut so I can start piecing my quilt. This is for my first quilt - I'm doing a simple coin quilt. Thanks for a chance to win an awesome giveaway! :)

Kat said...

Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway !! :))

If I win, I would like to sew several small quilts from the fabric.


Kat said...

second post: ;)


sewkalico said...

I love these fabrics. I have a very tiny collection of Civil War repros that a friend gave me, but not enough to do this quilt. I think it would be such an interesting project and I would use the fabrics to make the Civil War Diary quilt and I would enjoy learning about the history behind the blocks.

Karen said...

On National Quilting Day, I hope to spend the entire day with my sewing machine. I will be working on a dorm quilt for my youngest son who heads out in the fall. It is a log cabin, done in the colours of his chosen school...and - shhh! - a surprise. This is a terrific give-away you are having.

Pauline said...

National Quilt Day will be spent finishing up my oldest UFO...Bradfords Beauty done in purples, lavender, greens and yellow with fussy cut flowers. Started it last year!
I've been gathering Civil was reproductions to start a Dear Jane. This give away would give me all the material still needed to start that exciting quilt.
Thanks for the opportunity to receive some beautiful fabric!

Terry said...

What beautiful fabrics! I'd use them to make the blocks from the book! I've wanted to do a civil war style quilt for a while now! Thanks for the chance! :0)

Anonymous said...

On National Quilting Day, my husband will be off playing flag football, so I'm going to have plenty of uninterupted time to drag my work table into the living room, turn on a season of Gilmore Girls (or maybe NCIS, depending on my mood at the moment) and start piecing my current WIP - a Winnie the Pooh crib quilt.

lady_jennya at wavecable dot com

Deb said...

woohooo!! awesome giveaway!
My mom and I are putting 2 sampler quilts together all this week. it is a great way to spend National quilting day!!

Anonymous said...

National Quilting Day will be spent at a booth set up in the local mall advertising our quilt guild to the community. May even get in some quilting.
This giveaway is wonderful and my favorite fabrics are civil war...as evidenced on my blog. www.quilthollow.com

DebbieM said...

I am just about to begin a Civil War Quilt for my son who is a Civil War Buff. We used to drag him to car shows in Gettysburg PA every year and he enjoyed it so much that he ended up going to Gettysburg College and graduating from there Magna Cum Laude. He still at age 31, loves the Civil War history and drags his new wife to all the battlefields. I'd love to incorporate some of this fabric in his quilt and I could sure use the book as well. Thanks for the generouse giveaway and I hope I can win!!!

rebecca said...

Reproduction fabric is still my favorite and I can make a great home for yours. Thanks for the fabric and book give-away!

Sheila said...

I would love to make a quilt using the book as I have seen blocks from the book and love them . Tomorrow I hope to do some sewing on my one Christmas item a month .

Sheila said...

I posted about your great giveaway here http://sheilasquiltworld.blogspot.com/2011/03/great-giveaway.html

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

What a great opportunity..thank you. I hope to spend National Quilting Day finishing my cross stitch quilt..one more row of blocks to hand quilt....

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

got you on my blog and thank you again...http://Marjorie's Busy Corner.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Besides piecing on one of my many ongoing projects on Nat'l Quilting Day, a beautiful 95-year-young quilter in our guild and bee is having her birthday party. What a wonderful way to celebrate her active life and favorite hobby on the same day!
Mona R.

BubzRugz said...

This is a very generous giveaway. Thanks for the chance to provide a good home for this lovely fabric... it would make a beautiful quilt for a beautiful daughter...

Charlene S said...

On National Quilt Day, I plan on sewing on several projects all day long especially on Judy L's quilt along. But I am planning on celebrating NQD tonight by attending a lecture by my favorite instructor.

Candace said...

Lately I've been very interested in the Civil War quilts and have joined one interesting blog specifically about them. I would give the blocks in the book a good try.

MJinMichigan said...

I'll spend part of National Quilting Day previewing a guile member's studio in preparation for our Quilt Studio tour this fall. Then I plan to go ho,e and do some work on my Flower Garden applique quilt from the Kim McLean pattern.
Civil War fabrics are a favorite of mine so I'd love to win the drawing.

Karen said...

I will be stitching with friends that I have not seen in several months.
A good giveaway and I would love to win.

YankeeQuilter said...

I'm working on a civil war block of the week and hope to make it large enough for my father-in-law who is a civil war buff.

On National quilting day I am getting together with some quilting buddies and working on a donation quilt which raised money for a camp for children with cancer, Camp Rainbow.

Diane H said...

I've fallen in love with Kathleen Tracy's books and quilt patterns. It would be wonderful to make a miniture quilt with this fabric. Thanks so much for a chance.

Cathy said...

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. Who ever wins will be very lucky. Hugs

Libby said...

Oh My! What a GREAT giveaway! This would be a wonderful gift for any quilter!!
The 19th just happens to be the day that we have Saturday Sewing at my church. A group of us meet to sew, talk, eat and solve the worlds problems!

Karens Quilts, Crows and Cardinals said...

Such a very generous friend - thank you for sharing...

Tomorrow I am spending the day with a special friend, my sister Michele, who lost her husband this day 4 years ago. Her husband Joe was a very special, gentle, giving man, father, grandfather, and son who was taken from all of us way too early in his life. We try to spend the day doing things that Joe would want to do, like walking in the woods, spending time with friends and/or family. At the end of the day, I am going to our local quilt shop (Pucky Huddle Delight) that has a 25% off everything sale !! Civil war reproduction fabrics are my favorite and are great to use for needle turned applique and border or a great scrappy throw... Thanks again for sharing....


Lori said...

I'd use the fabric to make the CW Diary quilt. I've always loved that quilt but have resisted the urge! ;)
Thanks for the opportunity.

Impera Magna said...

Tomorrow, I will be finishing up a quilt top and making the backing so they both can go visit my LAQ soon! I'm using the Lilac Hill line... and it's just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, on National Quilting day I planon doing some... Quilting! Lizzie

Impera Magna said...

I've just posted about your give away on my blog... thanks for the chance to win this lovely fabric and a great book!

free indeed said...

Our fabric outlet usually has a 10% all fabric that day, and it is crazy busy! I'm thinking I want to pick up some solids which are so popular right now.
I won papers and fabric for a mini civil war quiltlette that I'm working on now...got 5- 2.5" squares done so far..I love civil war fabrics...love the toned down color, it's just such a cozy feeling for me.
freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

Kathy H said...

I have a sweet friend who always shares a laugh and who I admire very much. SHe makes lots of quilts and gives away most of them. SHe has never made a bed quilt for herself so I would make a quilt for her bed out of this fabric (she does love reproduction fabric) and share the quilting joy with her.

Unknown said...

In college, umpteen million years ago, some friends and I made a quilt to auction off for a campus project. For the fabric, we made all of our boyfriends hand over a flannel shirt. We didn't have enough, so we made a raid on one of the men's dorms. Yep, we rifled right thru their closets, taking shirts with us! I've been hooked on quilting with wacky friends ever since!

Betsy said...

Will b e @quilt show would love. Use these fabrics 22 finish my DJ. Quilt

Bente-I like to QuiltBlog said...

Oh, I would really love to win the beautyful Fabrics. I`d allready saw the Civil War Diary Quilt, you can take a look in my Blog http://iliketoquiltblog.blogspot.com/2011/02/giveaway-noch-bis-morgen_28.html
If I´ll win the Fabrics, I would sew the Loveletter Quilt too.

JayTee said...

I would use the fabric to make blocks from the book. Thanks for sharing!!
I hope to get in some practice on my new midarm got set up this week. I am truly a free motion beginner!!!

Nellie said...

I'm going to the Quilt Guild in my city, 1st to join for the first time, then join the quilters to make ABC quilts. I'm pretty excited. Would love to be a winner.

Bente-I like to QuiltBlog said...

Hi again *smile*
I let a Post on my Blog about your Giveaway http://iliketoquiltblog.blogspot.com/2011/03/giveaway.html
I hope taht lots of Blogger will visit you.
From now on, I´ll sign myself in as a follower to your Blog.
Bente -I like to QuiltBlog

blauraute said...

Since last sunday I'm the owner of Kathleen Tracy's new book "The Civil War Sewing Circle" and if I'll win the fabrics I would sew one of her quilt.
Have a nice day

Unknown said...

Blogged it: http://i-ranger.blogspot.com/2011/03/friday-night-sew-in-national-quilt-day.html

Anonymous said...

I'd love to make a CW quilt. I plan on visiting the one local quilt shop and quilting on National Quilt Day. Thanks for the give-away.
cindy cke49 at yahoo dot com

Mosaic Magpie said...

I am planning to spend Satuday making a quilt square to send to the "Hearts and Hands for Sendai" project the quilt blocks will eventually be put together and displayed in Japan and sold for a fundraiser.
These Civil War reproducion fabrics bring to mind a funny story. I have a friend that attended a local "Quilter's Day Out" with me this past weekend. There was a lovely quilt on display using these fabrics. My friend loved the fabrics and the quilt creator mentioned they were civil war fabrics. My friend was dumbfounded...How did you get so many of the fabrics that were in this good condition, from that long ago?, she asked. The quiltmaker then showed her the samples of the fabrics and explained they were reproductions.
My friend loved the fabrics, if I won this lovely giveaway I would share with my friend and we could make a quilt together.
Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Jen said...

I'm really big into CW fabrics right now. I'm working on Barabar Brackman's CW quilt along. And I love reading about CW quilts! I would love to spend National Quilting Day relaxing in my pajamas reading Quilting books and lazily sewing. that's not what I'll actually do, but it's what I want to do!

This is my first visit, but I really like your blog, so I'll be back!

Amy said...

I will be celebrating National Quilting Day by sewing broidery perse applique blocks on an airplane, headed to my MIL's 90th birthday party! The blocks are for a BOM sponsored by our guild in honor of our Virginia heritage, and I'm doing mine in CW repros. When I was in California last month, visiting my son, we went to Temecula Quilt Shop, and they were doing a class from The Civil War Diary. Swoon!

Jane S. said...

I'd use the fabrics and patterns to make a lap quilt for my husband. He had a great-great grandfather that fought in the Civil War, and consequently he is very interested in that particular time in our American history. He is a very patient man and has never begrudged me the time I spend browsing in needlework and quilt shops. For that I think he deserves a lap quilt!

Anne-Mettes Oaser said...

National Day I will spend with my knitting group,well, all afternoon and the evening at home. Quilting of course. If I am the happy and lycky winner, I think, I would have to use the fabrics making the Diary Quilt :-).
HAve a nice weekend.

Terri. said...

I would use the fabric to make a quilt for my best friend, my sister.

Ruthie said...

I would love to win this. I just finished quilting a Civil War Quilt for a guild friend and before that I had no interest in the style, but I love it now. Tomorrow, National Quilting Day, I will be driving to Schererville, IN to A Gathering of Quilters to see my quilt hanging in their show, maybe even with a ribbon hanging on it.

grammy and papi said...

What a SPECIAL friend. Please thank her for being so generous to all of us with this chance to win. I would use the fabric and book to make a Civil War Quilt to be used in my ancesteral bedroom. THank you for hosting the giveaway.

Have a God Filled Day

grammy and papi said...

I have post on my blog about this wonderful giveaway. Sure would love to WIN.

Have a God Filled Day

tubbie66 said...

oh, I like repros and CW pattern.
Would like to sew a bed quilt for our 25th anniversery for my husband.
I will make an announcement in my blog.
Hugs Silvia

Helen said...

I am a quilter and in the process of rearranging and organizing my sewing room. Since I work, "to buy fabric", I reorganize on the weekends. My DH reads book after book on wars and would love a Civil War Quilt.

Deb said...

Thank you for such a wonderful opportunity to win. I'd use the fabrics to make a quilt for my son to take to college.

SubeeSews said...

That would be me waving my hands and jumping up and down here in Indiana on this sunny March day. Windows open in March??? YES!

I would be ever so grateful if I do win.
I will celebrate on Saturday by doing a marathon sewing day.

Deanna said...

Oh, please count me in. What a wonderful way to celebrate! My celebration will be working hard on a quiltalong I am trying to finish and tomorrow morning will be teaching a class at my LQS.

What would I do with it. Well, I would read the book first, probably get sucked in and start piecing blocks. That is usually what happens.

Patty said...

Sounds for the chance to win. I've only a small civil war stash - winning would make it wonderful. Tomorrow, I hope to plan to sit on my back porch and start cutting for my next project.

Linda K said...

My hubby has a golf tournament tomorrow, so my plan is to sew, sew, sew! Might even quilt a "Just For You" quilt, our guild's major charity, for the Children's Hospital in Atlanta. Thanks for the chance to win as the majority of my stash is civil war reproduction.

Kathryn said...

My husband's 93 year old uncle is doing poorly, so we are going to make an 8 hour roundtrip to visit him. I plan to work on basting some hexagons while I'm in the car. kathryn dot laposata (@) gmail dot com

Sharon Richardson said...

I am hosting a retreat! I am inspired by all the great projects here but would be truly inspired by your wonderful giveaway!

Stone Creek Lodge

Anonymous said...

Wow, what wonderful way to celebrate National Quilting Day and the 150th Anniversary Year of the Civil War by giving away this awesome package. I will spend the day in my quilting room finishing up a quilt for my best quilting buddy and pulling out some fabrics for my next project. I plan on making a quilt with civil war fabrics and using some of the block of the week patterns I have found on several blogs. This package would definitely help my civil war stash! Have a great weekend! Sonja sojabehoot@aol.com

Julie S said...

I did not know that March 19 is National Quilting Day! I scheduled a quilt day at my church to assemble this years Graduation Quilts! What an appropriate way to spend the day!

Lucky-1 said...

Gosh what beautiful fabrics. I'm in Australia but grew up on American western movies.

I'm going to make a start quilt using Civil War reproduction fabric and those fabrics would be such a help towards my quilt.

You have a lovely blog and so I have become a follower as well.

Aussie Hugs

Colleen G said...

What a generous offer! I will celebrate the day by working on my Civil War quilt, block of the week from Barbara Brackman and a collection of repro prints would be perfect. I am feeding my husband's love of Civil War history and my love of quilting with this long term project this year.

quiltingnana said...

I would love to make a doll quilt with that lovely fabric to put with my antique dolls....check my March 8 blog post about a special quilting friend

Mrs A said...

Wow thats a lovely giveaway, i would use the fabric in a quilt to give to the japan appeal, someone there would really need it now, i can sew fast if i need to! I think that would be a great way of celebrating National Quilting Day.

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

What great fabric! I would use itin my CW block of the week blocks. I plan to spend tomorrow working on my swap blocks, and DSQ10 quilt.