
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Eclipse Charity Quilt: Graduation from Forks High

Edward kissed me quickly, sighed, and went to go stand with the C's. . .

I walked down the line to take my place behind Jessica, mildly curious as to why she was suddenly so friendly. . .

Jess was babbling before I was in earshot.

". . . so amazing. I mean, it seems like we just met, and now we're graduating together," she gushed. "Can you believe it's over? I feel like screaming!" . . .

She droned on and on, and I was sure the sudden return of our friendship was due to graduation nostalgia. . .  I paid attention as well as I could while I shrugged into my robe. And I found that I was glad that things could end on a good note with Jessica.

Because it was an ending, no matter what Eric, the valedictorian, had to say about commencement meaning "beginning. . ."

It went so quickly. . .

I watched as Alice, suddenly appearing, danced across the stage. . . Edward followed behind. . . Only the two of them could carry off the hideous yellow and still look the way they did. . .

Mr. Greene said something I didn't hear, and everyone around me shouted and screamed. Yellow hats rained down.
-Bella Swan, Eclipse, pages 353-355

This is my Graduation from Forks High block. When I showed Mr. Bug the pattern, he pointed to the section with the tassel in it and asked, is that actual size? He wondered how all those tiny pieces were going to come off. I think the tassel is my favorite part, though. I used Fairy Frost in Gold, Yellow, Banana and Snow. I also used Fairy Frost on the diploma scroll; Snow, Icing and Silver. I like how the dark blue background makes the yellow really stand out.
Finals were done and most of them had been a cakewalk. My high school education was over. And I didn't really know how I felt about that. I couldn’t look at it objectively, tied up as it was with my human life being over. -Bella Swan, Eclipse, page 323

I'm going to use this block in my own Twilight Quilt. I am debating about whether to keep the blue background for my quilt or to use my trusty black Civil War Reproduction fabric for my own blocks. In my 'research,' I found out the Forks High School colors are blue and yellow, and as I mentioned, I like how the blue works with the yellow cap. But I also like continuity in my quilt, which would mean using the black background. Opinions?

This block is going in the mail today, on its way to Iris, who designed this quilt and will be assembling it. Hooray! I'm finished!


  1. Congrats on the finish Elizabeth.

    I have not read the Twilight books, but watching your blocks come togther has been very exciting! I can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  2. maybe make the string or one of the stripes on the tassel blue and then you could have your black background

  3. The blue you've chosen here has black included in it, so could you just add a little black around it somehow (trim away an inch of the blue all the way around or something like that and replace it with black)? I really like the blue here too. But I might like the black just as nice...who knows. I'm not much help! Anyway, I love the design, and the tassel is sooo cool.


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