Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't. –Henry Ward Beecher

I don't go in my back yard much in the winter — it's just too cold. But in my travels to and from the car, I've noticed little green things peeking up through the dirt in my north facing front gardens. So I decided to see if anything interesting was happening on the south side of the house. Look what I found . . . early bloomers!

These adorable dwarf irises are the first of the spring bulbs to bloom. And that is a regular iris coming in behind it.

A mini-bouquet of dwarf irises. To the right are a couple of hyacinths.

A dwarf iris and a couple of daffodils coming in to the left of it.

In the bottom left corner are two giant purple crocuses. So gorgeous! Another dwarf iris is in the middle and behind and to the right are hyacinths almost ready to bloom.

This pink hyacinth bloomed really early, even for a hyacinth. There is also a nice big bunch of tulips are coming in.

And this was absolutely amazing to me. A daffodil already! That is really early too! Spring is coming, if we can just hold on for a few more weeks!


Shay said...

Noooooooooooooooooo! if you've got flowers thats means we are about to have cold weather. Thats not fair. We havent had summer yet !

QuiltNut Creations said...

wow, your flowers are farther ahead than mine! my daffies are up but not blooming; snowdrops and crocus are in full bloom but currently covered in snow *sob*.

Lane said...

Those are lovely. I have one daffodil, but things are getting ready to pop all around the yard. You're right. It won't be long now. Lane

Angie said...

Yeah! SPRING!!!!!

Peggy said...

Yea! Look at that! All that fall garden clean up paid off for a great spring! They are so sweet.