Saturday, November 6, 2010

300th Post Giveaway Winners

The Lord loveth a cheerful giver. He also accepteth from a grouch.
–Catherine Hall

Welcome to my new followers and thank you so much to everyone who entered my 300th post giveaway! I was tickled with the great response and I loved reading all of your comments. It was a bright spot in my week.

There were 97 comments on my giveaway post; 20 for the Noah's Ark Pack, 35 for the Christmas Pack and 42 for the Way Back Pack. I printed the comments out, separated them into their categories and had my super cute assistants draw the winners.

Grasshopper drew the winner for the Noah's Ark pack.

Congratulations to

who said: I love the Noah's Ark Pack, this would be great for a child's room. Thanks for the great giveaway.

LadyBug pulled out the winner for the Christmas Pack.

Congratulations to
:partytime: JJ :partytime:

who said: All three of those are very nice and the decision is a hard one but I think since I have to choose I would go with the Christmas pack. Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on your 300th post.

And Mr. Bug did the honors for the Way Back Pack.

Congratulations to
:partytime: Parsley :partytime:

who said: Please also enter me in the Way Back Pack. (crossing fingers)

Ladies, check your inboxes! I'll need your snail mail address {I promise not to send any snails} so I can get your prizes in the mail to you. Oh, and I would love to see what you make with all these fabulous fabrics, so make sure to send me photos or post links or both so I can check them out!

Thanks you again to everyone who commented and posted {and followed!}. I wish I had a little prize for each of you.


Barb said...

Congrats to all the winners!!

Parsley said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU! This is so much fun. I'll check my email right now.

Anonymous said...

happy boggers.
Congrats to all winners and enjoy these lovely gifts

Shay said...

Congratulations to all thw winners!

Sounds like a fabulous response E!

Penny said...

Congrats to all the winners!

JJ said...

Tell Ladybug thanks for drawing my name. I was absolutely surprised, I hardly ever win. I enter mostly to let people know that I read their post. I love to read other peoples blogs and what is going on in their life. Thanks again.

Wanda said...

Congratulations winners! So fun for all of you!