Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. –Elizabeth Stone
I started LadyBug's baby announcements while I was still pregnant. I chose purple because the ultrasound technician was only 80% sure that she was a girl. I waited to stamp the little rosebuds on the front until after she was born. I'm so glad she was a girl, because even without the little flowers on it, that color of purple would have been hard to pull off for a little boy.
With a 20% chance that we were having a boy, Mr. Bug was going to name him Edward James. Yes. Really. Edward. He was going to call him Ed. I told him that when he spent nine months growing a baby, followed by major surgery to remove the baby, he could call him whatever he wanted, but there was no way I was going to waste a perfectly good baby on the name Edward
{oh, the irony
}. Sometimes he calls LadyBug Ed. It's her favorite nickname.
{2 weeks, March 2002} |
When LadyBug was born, she weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz. My sister said that she was eight pounds of cheeks. I love this picture of her at 6 months. That is her blessing
{LDS tradition were the baby is formally given a name} dress. I made it as one of the required projects for my sewing class during my senior year of high school. The dress was 11 years old when LadyBug wore it, and since we didn't bless her until she was 5 months old, I had to take the bodice out and make the neck larger. While I was at it, I removed some lace from the sleeves and around the bodice and added the little flowers and ribbons on the front.
{Six Months, July 2002} |
Already a year, still bald as a billiard cue and still the best cheeks ever. LadyBug was such a calm, content baby.
{1 Year, March 2003} |
At 18 months
we shaved her little head. She had nothing but peach fuzz up there anyway. Six months later she had way more hair than she had before we shaved her head. My only regret about that is that we didn't do it sooner.
{2 years, March 2004} |
LadyBug is generally reserved in crowds. She takes a while to warm up, even around family. But she has the most sassy-sweet personality and I am so glad I get to know the real her.
{3 years, March 2005} |
I can't believe how fast the time has gone. She's certainly not a baby anymore, even though I still call her Baby fairly often.
{Almost 4 Years, December 2005} |
Absolutely adorable, even with chocolate cake on her face and crazy bumpy hair from letting her braids out.
{5 Years, February 2007} |
In getting ready for Kindergarten, we took LadyBug in for her check-up. The doctor noticed that one of her eyes wasn't doing what it was supposed to, and so LadyBug began wearing glasses. She's still the most adorably sweet girl I know.
{6 years, February 2008} |
LadyBug is definitely her own person. She's quiet and reserved, and just a little bit stubborn. Her personality is a lot like Mr. Bug's, and she's a restful sort of person to be around. She knows what she likes and she doesn't compromise. She tags along with her brother, interested in doing whatever he's doing — LEGO's, Bionicles, computer games — and she's not into girly things, or the color pink. This dress was a huge compromise for her, because it's . . . well, a dress. The pretty chocolate brown color was a point in its favor, as was the silky texture. But if she had her way, she'd wear gym shorts and a t-shirt all the time.
{Almost 7 Years - November 2008} |
She has grown into quite an incredible girl. She likes math and has worked really hard to become a good reader. She makes friends easily and is loyal and kind.
{8 Years, February 2010} |
My sweet birthday girl has got her day all planned out. We started out with a pancake breakfast and then she went to Activity Days. She wants a
Texas Brownie Sheet Cake and she's going to help me make it. After that we're going to Build-a-Bear Workshop and she wants to eat at
Golden Corral for dinner. I'm excited to spend the afternoon with her doing things that she enjoys.
Happy Birthday, LadyBug! I hope your day is as special as you are.