Saturday, March 19, 2011

Civil War Reproduction Fabrics: Giveaway Winner

Constant use will not wear ragged the fabric of friendship.
–Dorothy Parker

Happy National Quilting Day!
I am truly overwhelmed with your response to the Civil War Fabrics giveaway. I loved reading through all of your comments and hearing about your special friendships and all your fun plans for National Quilting Day. All told, there were 224 entries. That is simply amazing to me. I truly wish I had a little something for each and every one of you :hug:.

I must thank Wanda again for her generosity. She is one of the sweetest, kindest people I know. She helped me draw the winner and we are happy to announce that this fun bundle of fabrics goes to:

:partytime: Susan :partytime:

who said, What a great giveaway. I love reproduction fabrics and I would probably use these to make a quilt from the book. I have been wanting this book just haven't bought it yet. Happy Quilting Day.

Susan, please get me your address and I'll get your prize in the mail to you!

I hope you're all up to something fun today! I'm off to do a bit of quilting :biggrin:. It sounds like a spectacular way to spend a gloomy March afternoon.


Kat said...

congratulation to lucky winner Susan !! :))

Quiet Quilter said...

Congratulations, Susan! You have won a great prize!

Shay said...

Congratulations Susan !

And thank you Elizabeth and Wanda for inspiring me to put a CW quilt on my to do list.

Sheila said...

congratulations Susan, you are one lucky gal. I am sooo envious

Deb said...

Congratulations Susan! I have no idea if this is the Susan in Canada that I know...but whomever it is, great win!

grammy and papi said...

Susan, you are so blessed to win this special giveaway. Wanda, thank you again for donating the lovely fabrics and Elizabeth for conducting the giveaway. I still want a Civil War Quilt for my ancestral bed.

Have a God Filled Day

wanda said...

Congratulations Susan! I am so happy for you. Happy Quilting! And thank you so much Elizabeth for having the giveaway. It means so much to me to know that this small collection goes to one who really wanted it. I echo Elizabeth in wishing everyone could have had a prize. Such lovely comments. I enjoy Elizabeth's blog so much and also thought it was beautiful that so many were interested.

Paulette said...

Congrats, Susan! Have fun! Thanks for hosting a fun giveaway, Elizabeth, and to Wanda for the nice collection.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Congrats Susan. It's a great prize and I'm happy for you that you won.