First, welcome to all my new followers! I've had about 25 new people jump aboard my crazy train in the last 24 hours. I'm glad you're all here! If you don't mind me asking, what or who sent you my way? I can tell something is going on over at The Facebook and that it has something to do with my Folded Fabric Star, but I haven't been able to trace the source. I'd love to be let in on the secret. I hope no one is promising you big things, because it is slow going over here right now. Case in point, the quilt I'm about to show.
P. mailed this quilt to me on December 12th. I mailed it back to her all quilted on December 20th. Now, that sounds pretty awesome, doesn't it? Fastest quilting job ever, right? Not so much. She mailed it on December 12, 2012 and I mailed it back on December 20, 2013. And I actually could have mailed it earlier this week. Procrastination at its finest. {Hangs head in shame.} P. has been more than patient with me, which I truly appreciate. I hope her patience is rewarded.
I put the quilt on LadyBug's bed for a little photo shoot. My camera didn't like the light quality, so it is a little blurry. But here it is. Finished! Aside from the unbound edges, it kind of looks like it belongs there. {Sidebar: Isn't LadyBug's bed pretty? I bought assemble-it-yourself bedroom sets for Grasshopper and LadyBug seven or eight years ago. Grasshopper's had blue labels on the boxes and the set is a pretty [TARDIS] blue. I put his together first. LadyBug's set had pink labels on it and when I pulled out her white furniture pieces, she asked why hers wasn't pink. It's funny now because I'm pretty sure she'd refuse to sleep in a pink bed.}
Here is a close up of the quilting in the String Ring Dresdens {from which the quilt gets its name}. I'm really happy with how they turned out. I was so worried about getting the quilting right in the Dresdens because they are the focus of the quilt.
And here's a gratuitous PictTapGo_App and Instagrammed shot. They totally need to make PC versions of these apps

Here's a close-up of the scrappy border and one of the diamonds. I'm all about coloring inside the lines. I like to quilt to enhance the piecing. I tried to keep it fairly simple — mostly straight lines, with bit of free-motion to accent — as P.'s directive was {paraphrasing} “less is more.”
And I made an embroidered quilt label to go on the back as a thank you to P. for trusting me with her quilt. When she started this quilt, she put out a call for strings. I sent her a few fabrics {as I quilted I noticed that fabrics I sent her were in 11 of the 12 Dresdens}, so I pulled a few favorites from those to use in the label {which is now outdated. I had a serious case of project procrastination on this quilt. Sheesh.}. It is meant to sit in a corner of the quilt, so I hope P. will show us how it looks when she's trimmed and bound the quilt.
I'd like to send a huge thank you to Paulette for her trust, patience and friendship. I really hope you like the quilting!
More about this quilt:
P.'s Post on How the Idea Came About
P.'s Post on the Significance of the Color Scheme
P.'s Post on Design Decisions
P.'s Post on the Finished Flimsy
P.'s String Ring Dresden Tutorial
A Start on the Quilting
A Little Bit of Quilting Progress
Getting Closer
P's Post on the Bound and Finished Quilt
Today's post brought to you by:

Nicely done, as always.
Oh, Elizabeth! It's SO pretty!!! You did an AMAZING job on the quilting. And the label is It does look good on LadyBug's bed! I'm glad you took photos there because I have such bad light here in the winter, though I will try to capture it somehow when it's finished being bound and labeled. MANY THANKS again!
It's been worth the wait...that quilt is incredibly beautiful!
Genius takes time you know!
Holy Cow, this is amazing. I've got to find out more about this pattern. I love it. I love anything with string piecing. I'll check out your instagram too. Merry Christmas.
I tweeted this. And I'm a new follower. This is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas.
You two did a BEAUTIFUL job. P's string Dresdens was one of my favorites. I can see she entrusted it to the right person. :)
Looks pretty good, Congratulations on all the new followers.
Paulette is such a wonderful friend! You did an amazing, amazing quilting job on her quilt! I love the Dresden work curls!!
I'm a new follower. Your string ring dresden was posted on another blog....don't recall which one. You let us follow you by email .... I liked what I saw and signed up:)
Thanks again:)
debby....have no idea if this will come to you as I don't understand the "identity" stuff...
great quilting, stunning label.
It is just so amazing I don't even know what more can be said! I love it!
I came to your blog by way of a link in an e-mail blog The Way I Sew It. Lovely quilting on the string Dresden quilt.
I LOVE this quilt! The colors, especially. And it does look so nice on the white bed.
Great quilting!!!
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