All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.
-Edwin Markham
P. at The Way I Sew It gave me this award. This is a huge compliment and I was really touched that she would think of me.
The award came with some rules {which, according to P. are meant to be broken}.
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
See above.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
Hopefully I don't bore the pants off you.
• I did not like chocolate when I was a kid. Unfortunately, I don't have that problem now.
• I like to sleep on my stomach and I scoot way down so my toes can hang over the bottom edge of the mattress.
• I attribute my 'creative gene' to my dad and the skills with which to use it to my mom. I inherited the best from both of them.
• I'm the oldest of six kids. Mr. Bug is the oldest of eight kids. Together, we have 35¾ nieces and nephews {and counting}. Correspondingly, our children, the Little Bugs, have 35¾ cousins.
• I had braces {for the first time} when I was 33. I've had them off for three years now and I love how beautiful and straight my teeth are.
• I have always loved dolls. I have a small collection now.
• My dream home will include a LEGO room with LEGO tables and LEGO shelves and a LEGO floor and soft comfy slippers at the door so if you accidentally step on a LEGO {because they will never have to be put away} it won't hurt your foot.
3. Pass the award to 15 blogs you enjoy and let them know they've been given the award.
It has been nearly a week since P. let me know she'd given me this award, so I hope that she doesn't think I was ignoring her kindness! I've just been thinking really hard about who to pass it on to. It was difficult to narrow it down to 15 and at the same time, I wondered if 15 was too many
• Amber at A Little Bit Biased
• BlueBerry Moon
• Coley at Hanson's
• JaiCi at Just JaiCi's Crafts
• Karen at Sew Many Ways
• Lane at That Man Quilts
• Lit & Laundry
• Peg at Happy in Quilting
• Pink at Pink Suede Shoes
• Quilt Nut
• Rae Ann at Cutie Pinwheel
• Sam at All Things Quilty
• Sara at Sew Sara
• Tori at James Family Blog {check out the leather jacket she repurposed into a beautiful hand bag}
• Vicki at Sew Inspired
thanks so much elizabeth!!
i have a niece who doesn't like chocolate and i've always thought that was so funny.
i wish i had that problem - haha!
the lego room is so cool ... great idea!
i'll gladly accept this award and i'll be thinking about who to pass it along to. might take me a few days as well :)
Congrats Elizabeth. (and to all the people you passed it on to )
I'm loving reading all the little tid-bits coming up in the "7 Things" because this is the type of trivia that would never make it into a blog otherwise, but let's us know a bit more about our fellow bloggers.
And I'm enjoying being introduced to new blogs when the award is passed on.
Btw, I've now got the weather widget on my page too. Thanks for the tip.
Loved reading about you...
Hahaha! I totally want a Lego room at my house! I remember a dream I had a few years ago where the entire upstairs of my house was actually built with Lego's. So when I wanted to remodel it was super easy.
And I am a toe hanger too. See, kindred spirits!
And thank you!
I love reading the "7 things" part of this award. I'm a toe hanger too, by default (i.e., I don't need to scooch down, LOL.)
congrats Elizabeth and thank you!
and yes, a Lego room would be a must for us too :)
Wow...Elizabeth thank you so very much for the award..mwah....loved reading all the things about you....
That's great! I would love a LEGO room as well (and I'm sure my sons would, too.)
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