Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Some Days Are Rocks

Tough times don't last. Tough people do. –Unknown

I have this friend who I met in the blog world but as it turns out we're great friends in real life. She has a way with words. A couple of her post tags are just so clever and aptly sum up life; Some Days Are Diamonds and Some Days Are Rocks. The good comes with the bad and you just have to make the best of it, whether your days are rocks or diamonds. Over the past several months I've been having quite a few rock days, but even so, I've been looking for the diamonds in them. Despite the difficulties that life inevitably throws at you, I have found that looking for the positive makes the load a little lighter to bear and life a little easier. But I kind of feel like I have a pebble in my shoe that I can't get rid of. At first it is bothersome but manageable. And then it is tiresome but endurable. But if you can't get rid of the pebble, it becomes completely irksome and hard to ignore. And then there is nothing but this pebble you're dragging around and instead of a pebble, it seems that it has become a boulder and it completely overshadows everything else in your life.

I don't mean to enumerate the rocks in my life. It would be no fun for anyone if I complained about my troubles all the time. The occasional, properly worded rant is funny, but a constant stream of hopeless and woe is wearing even on the best of friends; no one should have to listen to that {except perhaps a shrink and only because that is his/her paid profession}. But in the interest of keeping it real, every day isn't a diamond. Right now I'm having a few rock days {more than my fair share if you ask me} and it is really putting a cramp in my creativity :lol:, among other things. Things in my little corner of the web are probably going to be a bit boring for a while. I hope that the days that are rocks are soon at an end, so I can get back to my usual self.


Tracey Jacobsen said...


I hope the rocks go away soon too!

whimsyfox said...

I'm always available to listen, and you don't have to pay me! big hug and hang in there!


Paulette said...

Maybe it's time to shuck the shoes and go barefoot for a while. Okay, that probably makes no sense in the context of your wonderful metaphor, but I'm hoping something will change and things will shake out soon. :)

QuiltNut Creations said...

(hugs) Elizabeth. thinking of you!

Wanda said...

Smiles and hugs for you! Couldn't help but think those rocks look just like rocks from a beach written about in one of my favorite literary pastimes! Hope the sparkly days of diamonds return soon!

Anonymous said...

I hope the rock days will soon be over and new diamonds will shine and sparkle!

Shay said...

Dont you recall skimming rocks when you were a kid? In that instance rocks are never as heavy as we believe them to be. The surface of the water changes the balance.

My wish for you is that most of your future days will be diamonds Elizabeth.

Float in your life for a bit and practice skimming those rocks sweetie.


Lane said...

I know the rock days. Sometimes, I'm happy if I can find a bit of glitter stuck to my rock somewhere. That's what sustains me. That little flash that catches my eye and gives me something pleasant to remember the day by. Sometimes it's reading your blog. Have a diamond day. Lane

pinksuedeshoe said...

Those two lines come from a Tom Petty song. And they stuck with me. Because diamonds started out life as rocks. And after a lot of pressure, and heat and a lot a lot of time, something good finally came from those ugly old rocks. And what happened was beautiful. And because of the process that those rocks went through to become diamonds, they are stronger than anything else in the world. We are all just rocks, struggling through life, hoping that we have enough heat and pressure heaped on us that we will turn into a beautiful, amazing, strong diamond. Because without it we will just stay a rock.

Thinking of you.

Jennifer Lovell said...

The nice thing is, rocks love company, so I'll carry mine right along side you carrying yours, ok? I'm here for you.