I'm doing a little happy dance. I got the Boo to You! quilt top finished and I really like how it came together. I was worried that the row of Jack-O-Lanterns might not fit in with the rest of the quilt since I added it to the pattern, but I think the scrappy border brings it all together nicely.
I've also got the scrappy borders on one of the place mats, but my batteries ran out before I got a picture, so I'll just have to show you it later. It is kind of big

Read more about this project:
About this quilt and blocks in progress
Small Witch in progress
Witch place mat and quilt top in progress
Happy Jacks
Ghost and Black Cat place mats in progress
Pumpkins and Bats place mats in progress
Candy Corn place mat in progress
I think the row of jack-o-lanterns is perfect! Love the border too. Nice finish!
Oh what cute quilt...love it and I know your kids will too.
It turned out beautifully! I love the scrappy border. I think it just ties it all together so well.
How big is the quilt E?
I love it. Nice Job. Hugs
If every choice was out there but I could only choose one It would be ice cream if it has carmel in it, but I love my mom's lemom maringe pie and ice box lemon desert. I would probably try just about anything offered I love sweet! But I am trying to behave right now so no deserts for me for now.
It's adorable!
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