–Ray Bradbury
Today's Bradbury 13 episode is adapted from The Fox and the Forest. This short story was included in The Illustrated Man in 1951.
The Fox and the Forest
There were fireworks the very first night. Things that you should be afraid of, perhaps, for they might remind you of other more horrible things. But these were beautiful rockets that ascended into the ancient soft air of Mexico and shook the stars apart in blue and white fragments. Everything was good and sweet. The air was that blend of the dead and the living of the rains and the dusts. And in the shadows, with bottles of assorted liquors at his elbow, the man in the Panama hat lit a Turkish cigarette and stared into the crowd, searching. Searching.
My Rating:

My favorite voice actress of the series, Barta Heiner, plays the female lead, which I really enjoy. She has a very lovely voice. Additionally, I really like this story. There is a timelessness to it, I think almost as much as The Wind. There is quite a game of cat of mouse going on. And as always, there is an interesting twist which, in this case makes you wonder if you can ever really escape your responsibilities even if those responsibilities are dreadful or even wrong.
Air Date:
June 11, 1984
Paul Frees
Neil Barth
Barta Heiner
Glenwood Thompson
Jay Bernard
Janet Swenson
Roger Hoffman
Greg Hansen
Production Assistant:
Patrick Mead
Associate Producer:
Jeff Raider
Created, Produced, Directed:
Mike McDonough
Executive Producer:
Dean Van Uitert
You just reminded me I need to follow up on having a listen to one of these episodes. Thanks for the prompt!
I think in America, governmental control is something many people are set against. That's why we live in the U.S. We don't want to be under someone's thumb.
I'm often drawn to literature that tells stories of control that is beyond what should it be. I wonder how things like that could ever escalate to the point that freedom isn't real anymore and you know some of the things you are asked to do are wrong but you don't want to suffer consequences for doing what YOU know is right. Where do you stand when defying the authority?
Plus, when there's the allure of time travel, that always creates a good story.
We listened to The Fox In The Forest On the way home from Idaho on Saturday afternoon. It is always a good listen even after many, many times.
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